For all you crypto maniac

I created a script in python that will inform of you of your coins performance, could be done with more coins up to you.

Attached: circuitpython_python-logo-master-flat.png (800x238, 21K)

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Your formatting gave me cancer.

pls no bully all i do is sql at work

Here, have some midnight reading:

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your next task: use an exhange's api and python requests library

Sure OP I'd love a keylogger

use the binance api for prices if available

Thank you man.

Yes sensei

this is a script more appropriate for cron jobs

then how would i get the old price from when the hour started?

last time I shared code for trading crypto I got bullied by anons that barely know how to code

on the other hand, I just noticed that your script has literal reddit spacing.

write it to a text file then read from it next time it's run

Your style is terrible. Please do not double space every line and you don't need redundant comments all over the place like that they make your code unreadable.

old_price = round((float(bitcoin_price)),2) # Turns the price to a float

That comment is useless because it is obvious what the code is doing. In fact that entire line is useless. Just use string formatting when you print the value and limit it to two decimal places like this


also use string formatting instead of concatenation when you are printing as many variables as you are

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>unironically posting your code to Veeky Forums

If it was any good you wouldn't share it with us. Thanks for the laugh though.

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dope, scale with rush and take api.

rust $$$

>html scraping
you do know what APIs are, right user? there are even python wrapper libs that already exist for the cmc api

I'll be ok.

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>don't double space every line
nice b8 m8

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Pair it with my bot and we could make bank.

Apis seem cool, I'll play with it

>Introduce a third party backdoor into my system

No thanks.

Lol. Dude, did you look at the code at all? It's open source, don't judge too quick. The author is actually an idiot. This is the most horribly done CS 101 assignment. He has zero skills in programming, let alone introducing a backdoor to your computer LMAO

WTF I just ran this script and now my etherdelta account got cleaned?? I thought you guys told me it was legit

neat script user! how about you turn that GMT time into local time based on where the user runs the script

Node.js is sexier than Python
I unironically masturbate to Node.js

You're a faggot. OP's script is alright. He even said hes not a python expert. That code looks fine you judgemental faggot. Lets see you sling some python

Does it receive an input from an outside source? Then it's a security hole.

Node.js + TypeScript is pretty amazing

Code is well formatted and clear. Good job OP. I’ll take it for a spin later.