real estate or stocks or crypto? i have $1m to spend, please help
Real estate or stocks or crypto? i have $1m to spend, please help
all in FUN
Pls buy my telcoin bags.
They are all in bubbles rn
prop up btc for us poorfags
Short developing country currencies
Low effort larp.
unironically this
i might be persuaded to help you become a billionaire...
Crypto: really low right now
Stocks: high, will burst
Real estate: at the top of the bubble.
You know what to do, user.
can't print more land
Whatever you do put 25% into gold and silver. You have to be dumber than a nigger to put that much money into stocks or real estate when we are currently in a bigger bubble than the tech bubble and housing bubble combined.
You can't have interest rates criminally suppressed at 0% for almost a decade and not have it end economic ruin.
The real transfer of wealth will be those that own REAL money. Gold and silver. Then after the deflationary collapse of all asset prices occurs and gold gets revalued 10-50 times higher than it is right now 3 ounces of gold (exchanged for the new currency) will buy you a home.
All anons need to get even jut 5-10k worth of gold and silver and you'll be ahead of 99% of the population when the dollar gets depegged as the world currency.
80% Gold 15% Link 5% XMR
do it OP
Lmao. Sad. Real estate is real, stocks are shares in a business. Crypto is ponzi fiat shot and will leave you bankrupt. Good luck user. Invest in what you understand.
>dumber than a nigger to put that much money into stocks or real estate
Owning a property that puts money in your pocket is a great idea you fool. When dollar gets devalued...will it be cheaper or more expensive to build a home or office?
Stocks are businesses, why would you not want to own a business.
This board is such shit advice it's sad
Real estate is real but the prices are inflated fantasy prices. When the deflationary collapse hits us a median prices home will be about 50k. And gold will be revalued between 10-50k per ounce to purge all the debt from the system. Then a new home will cost you about 1-5 ounces of gold after the currency reset. 30k in gold will then buy you multiple income producing properties no mortgage attached.
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by DEFLATION, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." - Thomas Jefferson
60% real estate
30% crypto
9% stocks
1% hedonism
Read the quote above by Thomas Jefferson. We are living that right now in America.
Of course owning a home is great. You dumbshit crypto tards are so used to buying high and selling low you don't even realiZe housing is hyperinflated because of all the cheap money that's been injected into the system in the form of QE for a decade now.
Why did the housing collapse happen and then all of sudden started going way up again over the past 10 years? Magic?
It's all bullshit. A home cost like 3k 100 years ago. Now a median priced shithome costs like 200k. You are being fleeced and you don't even realize it.
All in crypto
Diversify in coins which give you passive income.
Oh, look, another "I'm gonna fool you into giving me all your crypto secrets so I can get a lambo" faggot.
buy gold
You people are so brainwashed the dude has a million dollars and he doesn't even have an option for gold and silver when it comes to where he should park his money.
You know who loves that? The kikes. You've been brainwashed by the banks 100 year anti gold propaganda.
Dude has a million bucks... doesn't even ask if he should put some money in gold, and nobody even gives him advise to put a mere 50k into it which would be more than enough.
Fuck, even just 20 years ago it was still sound investment advice to have 10% of your assets in gold. And that's when the economy was doing pretty good
Now we are 20 trillion in debt. Budget deficits up out ads, inflation skyrocketing... and nobody even thinks to buy gold.
To take the power away from govt you have to reject the source of that power which is the money they spend to corrupt the economy. The answer is gold. Good for the Jews raping you with inflation... you dumb fuck idiots deserve jt
Forget spending OP. The question should be how do I save. Gold is savings. Forget about earning a return, you need to protect what you have. But at least buy 100k worth of gold since you have a Milly
the truth is that i have $40k in gold. Why would I need Veeky Forums advice if I already made $1m?
Buy Art with most of it and then drop $200k into crypto split 50/50 between credits (CS) and the upcoming nebula genomics ICO.
>80% Gold 15% Link 5% XMR
good man!
pennystocks for daysss
buy POE and start a bull run on it, sell the peak
consider at least a small position in Cara Therapeutics, non-addictive opioid play. Nobody else is far along with regards to safe opiates. The country is facing a major epidemic, why not have an ethical position in a good company?
REITs bro.
if you want a constructive answer on real estate we need to know in which country you life dipshit
RE - I'd go only healthcare real estate, hospitals, MOBs, seniors focused
Stocks - bubble, expect a correction late 2019 to mid 2020
Crypto - good time to enter, plan your exits accordingly