Holy shit, he's shilling again!
Craig motherfucking Grant
WTF is up with this retarded shitcoin being shilled so hard today?
it's free money, why not to shill
Because you make money from the weak hands of normies? Seems pretty clear cut to me. Bought in a couple days ago before the website relaunch, watching these divs roll in is better then a morning blowjob.
It launched yesterday. Before that, the website looked like shite.
Now it is actually beautiful and normie friendly. Many more features are coming in the upcoming days, development is super active.
This is just the beginning, if you miss this, shame on you. Nobody here is holding bags, because you cannot lose with this contract. When people sell, you earn ETH, When people buy, you earn ETH.
It's only a matter of time until you make insane profits off this. Especially since you could be out there shilling with your own masternode right fucking now.
3% of each referred buy-in will go straight to your pockets in ETH. If someone buys in for 10 ETH with your referral link, you get 0.3 ETH just for shitposting. Don't be stupid and ignore this, it's ez.
actually there is about 260 ETH in contract. Guys imagine it stands a month. People start using their masternodes, there are p3d casinos coming up, all that makes divs
Can confirm, a guy came in the Discord today and already got his ROI back due to masternodes.
How do the PoWH guys feel about ethphoenix.io and it's futures market pyrmex.com?
Phoenix is old stuff. Doesnt even have referral option. Futures will be coming to p3d too confirmed
Nice try
I thought we already had a crypto nigger
The only thing that prevented EPY stagnation are the futures dApp. Which.. sadly, will be ported to P3D anyhow. This was confirmed by the P3D main dev in the Discord today. Moreover, P3D is superior in every form. Better website, better UI, far more features in the contract, and the list goes on.
when is that futures market coming? Just...sometime?
It's on the calendar. It's confirmed this weekend the lead dev is going to add in depth personal statistics to the exchange, including making the buy page more normie attractive. The weekend after that is probably another big feature. You'll have to ask in the group, as the main dev seems to release on a weekly schedule.
Well your dev be making the futures market contract hm/herself?
Yes, that was stated today in the Discord by the lead dev. You can inquire for more info if you mention "mantso" in the group. That's the guy.
Thought this shit coin scam was going to fail but seems like a lot of people are actually FOMOing in now. This fucking scam might actually be as successful as bitconnect
It's a transparent pyramid, after all, and the money comes from weakhanded faggots that sell early. This dApp is the purest way to separate dumb money from the smart money.
every coin this guy touches goes to shit. you could argue that it's because they're clear scams, but i'd argue it's because this guy has a reverse midas touch
Thing is that you cannot exit scam this transparent dApp. It's designed to stay up forever and has withstood literally two whole hackatons and paid solidity auditors.
lmao if craig grant becomes rich by shilling his referal link.