>March 31 - China is banning external VPN, filtering all routes around "great firewall"
>Just released a 3 part tech demo
>Mooned today, wait a couple days till March31st and this bitch will go so hard.
>March 31 - China is banning external VPN, filtering all routes around "great firewall"
>Just released a 3 part tech demo
>Mooned today, wait a couple days till March31st and this bitch will go so hard.
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Most cucked country in the world, United Kingdom, is planning to ban porn starting 1st of April.
Q2 is looking like it'll be good for sub.
Theres a state in the usa planning on making their citizens pay $20 to watch porn.
Maybe sub has a future.
Wonder what's with the sudden crackdown on porn. (((They))) can't possibly believe it'll actually work.
Let's hope so - I've got bags of this shit!
also, pornhub is banned in russia.
SUB is going to blow the fuck up, and honestly i'm thinking the VPN aspect is going to be a bigger draw than ever anticipated, which in turn is going to solidify the hosting and how good it is because of the massive adoption.
incoming cucked SHIFT/SKY bagholders
Does sub handle binary data well?
Intense coin
I've been wondering this as well. First Russia with their retarded censorship, then the UK and now fucking USA of all. I bet that China and SK/Japan have went through similar stuff without me hearing about. What gives? Why did they suddenly 180 on porn?
Hasn't Japan censored their porn for ages? That's even worse imo, let people watch it but all they see is fucking pixelated genitals.