Made 19k in 2017 with margin trading btc and investing in altcoins

>made 19k in 2017 with margin trading btc and investing in altcoins
>cash out the 19k via selling btc for physical cash on localbtc
>been using the 19k to pay for all my non-taxable expenses
>at starbucks today
>barista is a cunt stacey who was in my college dorm in 2011, was always a bitch to me
>her looks are shit tier now I can tell she knows it
>Smugly order her around as she makes my coffee
>I pull out a 10k stack of $10 bills and throw her two of em
>she looks surprised as fuck
>I say "keep the change you probably need it"
>"t-thanks haha"
>I stride out of the cafe smugly
>kek at broke wageslave losers like her lmao

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19k... wow user you made it.

>carrying around 10k with you in cash
I hope you're not in US son

Gj, Kunta Kinte you made it.

you gonna get jacked jimmy

>I hope you're not in US son

I am in the US

>carrying over half your net worth with you everywhere in public

>10k stack of 10's in pocket
>RPer who's never held a large stack of cash

You're depressing and should consider a hobby

Holy shit. Really 19k!!!!!!!!!!
Guys he made 19k in crypto. He's an investing genius.
If you live in some Eastern European shithole I take my sarcastic comments back.

This. Absolutely nigger tier

Lol nice larp fag pics of the stash or it didn’t happen

Nigger tier LARP pic or it didn't happen

>neckbeard meets Stacy from college
>leave overly generous tip for m'lady
>spaghetti drops everywhere

>tfw I live in Eastern European shithole and $19k is all I got at 22 and I felt like I'm doing great so far

for fuck sake, I'm never gonna make it

You're a real fag

So you had 1 thousand $10 bills on you?

a-user, you might be retarded

Wow 19k. You probably crashed the market with that one.

Bitch please I know people that kept way more than that in their houses.

> made 19k...
something like is big money... gambler-fag

bad ass detected

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A wrap of $10's is $1,000 fyi


lmao, 1000 bills is 4+ inches thick. Then folded in half to fit in a pocket is close to 8.5 inches.

don't know where to start.

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Things that never happened

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brb calling the IRS

Oh hi this is Stacey here! Weird to see you here on this forum huh? Anyways I'm glad you made that all that money!!! :) My boyfriend Chad was also a professional Bit Coin trader too and he made 1.84 million dollars after taxes last year!!!! (Super cool I really do love him) Anyways I was just putting in my 2 weeks at Starbucks because my boss is also my best friend and is super awesome, and I'd still like maintain a healthy social circle with my co workers when I leave! So Chad and I are about to retire and we are going to travel the world together!!!! Well I'm glad we are both happy, I just hope you paid your fair share of taxes on the money you made. I'll drop a message to the IRS tomorrow in case you forgot to. Cheers!!

So, your lesson is giving undeserving women money is winning?

None of this happened.

probably describes you perfectly

LARPing is a disease user. A disease that needs to be purged.

Good job bro, just know that you’ll be in jail very, very fucking soon for margin trading on a public utility (the internet)

its worse than that, pic related

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19k. lul