Can it work?

Do you think I could get milions of views on JewTube if I rent a Lambo, and an escort and make a video called "LOOK HOW MY GF REACT TO LAMBO LAUNCH!"

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 126K)

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if you have put the effort in a channel to make it have 7 million subs, sure why not?

I know, but pecunia non olet

is that a guy?

>ywn be a famous rich teenager who is fucking 10/10s
Why live? You know he has more money in crypto than you do too?

Of course, you can do anything you put your mind to.

That's clearly a Ferrari you dumb fuck

me on the right

why do cunts with brown eyes feel the need to buy fake blue contacts? shit looks fucking awful