Do you agree with this list, biz? What tier are you? Chad tier here, hoping to get into ascended tier this year.
Job tiers
Soyboy reporting in
Hope to retire and program things on my own terms within a few years
Profession and degree tier lists are usually made by some faggot trying to talk up their interests and life choices.
I agree wit it, but it only applies to posters from /r9k
Sadboy here , honestly pretty jelly. Business owner in hospitality industry , do well but seriously fml
Professional forex traders and professional gamblers deserve to be on the ascended tier
Actor is probably the most chad job in the world. But only hollywood actor of course.
I didn't choose my career to impress other people. And mine isn't on your ADORABLE little list.
But you keep thinking success is measured by what other people think, lol. You'll get so far!
Retarded, the "tech" jobs he's making fun of are some of the best paying out there.
>Hope to retire and program things on my own terms within a few years
Already there user. Just fucking do it - there's more work to do than can be kept up with.
There's tons of programmers on Veeky Forums/Reddit it seems. In every job thread on biz or even boards like r9k b ect it seems like everyone is a "software engineer" it's even more popular on reddit. Would you agree soy boys are very prevalent in your field? Every single software engineer/programmer I know is useally a reddit tier "nerd xD" with a beard glasses, and a fat feminist gf. I only know one chad engineer but he is in his 50s and a petroleum engineer. What attracts those reddit types to programming so much?
Not making fun of them, tech jobs in general are really good and very important. This list is more about the people in those jobs, and you can't deny many "tech jobs" are disproportionately made up of beta males, soy boys, and other Reddit filth.
Tryone here, all in LINK
evidence of class inequalities can be found everywhere. it's much worse than marx ever dreamed of. and now board culture has exposed yet another socio economic class system. the genetic class system. a class system that exists in tandem with existing socio economic class construct. the only conclusion to be drawn from this is that life itself is nothing more than a lottery and that means hard work is thus irrelevant to success.
No prizes for guessing which of the chad "jobs" you think you have. It's the one that's not like the others. Rich family.
Yeah I'm a NEET with a rich family, have a large amount in crypto too but not "crypto rich" yet. Being a NEET with a rich family is pretty chad tier if you think about it, sure it might not be as good as the other chad jobs for social status, but it has the most freedom, can do whatever you want whenever, and access to a lot of money/connections if you ever wanted a job, Plus many neets such as myself have zero expenses/debts. Many normies with high end jobs feel compelled to spend all their money on cars vacations ect.
why is being an entrepreneur sad? I work 5 hours a week telling contractors what to do and earn around 200k
I am SAD. What about a category for nufags?yogis, photogs, bartenders, dj, surf trainers etc these fags don't make $$$ but there's pussy and zero stress
>This list is more about the people in those jobs, and you can't deny many "tech jobs" are disproportionately made up of beta males, soy boys, and other Reddit filth.
not really. I'm 30, work in data science and I work with a lot of programmers. the vast, vast majority of my peers are boomers, older gen x'ers, and indians/asians. there's the occasional millennial like me but there's not many of us at all comparatively. it probably seems skewed because only the younger folks use social media, reddit, and Veeky Forums. the older people just go to work, then go home to their families, and they can't retire to make room for new blood because they fucked the economy. even with 10-20 years less experience, I probably save more money on an annual basis than all of them.
There should be a >JUST category for people with a decent degree that do physical labor type jobs.
Warehouse guy here.
I'm a drug dealer and it should belong to ascended tier.
>i earn 15k a month
>10 hours of work per month
I am living life to the fullest atm, I can earn way more than 15k per month but that would mean more work hours, but im perfectly fine with 10h/month
just had a job with fox as part of their IT team. it was like contracted though so i got $15hr to do basic troubleshooting shit and we had a lot of documentation and "leads" who knew more so you can always fall back on anything like saying their name "Mikeeeeeee i need yoooo heeellllppppp. outlook issue."
but it was pretty bro. couple dudes from the military. couple meme trools. 1 dude who prob was lowkey python scripter. dumb bitches. and a SJW(who later wrote down offensive questions such as "yo do u ever fuck in the kitchen cause that's my jam" and reported a list to get one dude ultimately suspended for 3 days. he's a power hitter who, wow, actually works lol)
i was told it techs were "bros" in like college and i could kiiinnddaaa see it. like it's there. bro culture.
if it was ultimate bro culture, you'd both help each other out, show others how to do shit that you know how to do, and try not to work with people who were like "ughhh u suck"
is this how most people learn?
Drug dealer stays in Tyrone tier because it's dangerous and there's a likelihood of it ending/going to jail. Stay safe user. Retire from the drug game and get into the rich crypto NEET life. What are you currently doing will end badly..
SoyChad reporting in. Chemical engineer, working for a tech company, born to a rich family.
And how do you spend all that money without raising red flags? 15k a month is hard to hide.
nope. im selling drugs online and the feds won't bother with me because relatively i'm non existant compared to the bigger fish.
I will not randomly get robbed/killed (like a normal drug dealer) and I will not get caught
comfy af desu
>talking about it and getting yer IP logged
you know Veeky Forums is an fbi honeypot right? how do you think this site still runs with the operating costs?
yeah, i'm on a tails OS running TOR. Im fine
I launder it through my ebooks webshop
>tails OS
How does that compare to Qubes? I haven't used it yet.
I prefer tails because Tails runs entirely on your PC/laptop RAM. it would be exceptionally difficult to recover anything in the event of your computer being seized for forensic examination
Programming is barely work. They seek their fields because it beats physical labour (Trade jobs)
A Builder spends 8 hours at work building a structure. A soy boy programmer spends maybe 2-3 hours working and the rest on reddit/social media.
They struggle with women and are nerds cause they are lazy faggots who don't know what real work is.
this is just subtle cuck spam
I'm a writer.
Not for online news tho that'd be gay. PR is $
Metro sweeper tier.
Getting paid more than 70% of the wagecucks on my europoor country.
Going to university on work hours and get paid, no boss, 0 anxiety.
All in on coinmetro btw.
>it would be exceptionally difficult to recover anything in the event of your computer being seized for forensic examination
Fair enough. I boot from a USB key anyway to a mounted ramdisk VM. That way I still get some persistence, but similar benefits. More screwing around though.
you can't post on this message board on tor you cheeky fuck
yes you can lol