Do you agree with this list, biz? What tier are you? Chad tier here, hoping to get into ascended tier this year.
Job tiers
Soyboy reporting in
Hope to retire and program things on my own terms within a few years
Profession and degree tier lists are usually made by some faggot trying to talk up their interests and life choices.
I agree wit it, but it only applies to posters from /r9k
Sadboy here , honestly pretty jelly. Business owner in hospitality industry , do well but seriously fml
Professional forex traders and professional gamblers deserve to be on the ascended tier
Actor is probably the most chad job in the world. But only hollywood actor of course.
I didn't choose my career to impress other people. And mine isn't on your ADORABLE little list.
But you keep thinking success is measured by what other people think, lol. You'll get so far!
Retarded, the "tech" jobs he's making fun of are some of the best paying out there.
>Hope to retire and program things on my own terms within a few years
Already there user. Just fucking do it - there's more work to do than can be kept up with.