so his parents gave him 300k could he hace done it without them?
Could he have done it without his parents?
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What coin is this.
300k to the world's richest man at some point. Idk OP you tell me.
Is this rune from COSS
Even if he didn't get the 300k he would still have been more successful than any of us
Yes, because it was society that ultimately did it. Without a strong but fair government to build roads and provide public education, he'd be chucking spears like a Bantu.
This has to be satire.
Is this on Request Network yet?
This. Losers are always trying to attribute success to being born with a silver spoon.
>worlds richest man
Don't tell me you honestly believe this
Could he have done it with 300$ or 3000$? Would be a different story
no. that's what 90% of business owners don't understand when they go around talking down to poor people. they seem to forget it takes money to make money. this isn't the 1950's anymore. you can't just start from scratch.
Most rich and famous people are born with rich parents that give them money.
Hard to say. Probably not, since in the time t would have taken him to get the money, the small window of opportunity he had might have been taken by someone else, but then again, he didn't make it *because* of his parents either. Same goes for Bill Gates (although in Gates case, his family's contacts played a much larger role) and most other extremely rich and successful people.
So he wouldn't have made it without his parent's help, but there are a lot of kids who receive 300k or more from their parents and never amount to anything, so most of the merit is still his.
His right eye says he worked his ass off to make Amazon what it is today.
His left eye says I want to take over the world and smash everyone in my way.
Take the tin foil hat off, retard
can you create a company without 300k to start off, absolutely, can you create the world's most powerful company in 2018 without 300k to start off, probably not
>you can't just start from scratch
I think there still can be exceptions, but in most cases odds are against you if you're truly starting from scratch.
He probably isn't desu.
300K in 1994 is the $501,755.06 in 2018 dollars. It's not so much the fact that your parents give you money to do things to be successful. I think more of a contributing factor to people with rich parents becoming successful is the safety cushion mentality. By this, I mean if they fail it's ok because most of them can just go back and live with mommy and daddy, meaning it isn't as big as risk for them as say someone whose whole life could be ruined if they fucked up the first time out.
It doesnt take much money to mine a few btc on a garbage laptop as an early adopter. next to nothing to millionaire ez
If you gave me 300k last year I unironically would have 1 billion today. Instead I started with 500 dollars because I'm a huge poorfag. It takes money to make money.
unironically kys. The Rothschilds are the wealthiest and the only reason forbes doesn't include them is because they are considered a royal family. Honestly you are so fucking stupid stop acting like an arrogant faggot. Never give another opinion in your lifetime.
No, but if he didn't have the money at that precise moment, someone else would likely be in his place now. (I assume, I didn't know his parents had given him that money before reading OP, I just thought had had connections and savings from his career as a quant trader or something).
Would he be the world's richest man and creater of Amazon? Most likely not. But a man with an IQ as high as his as well as an extreme work ethic would at minimum be a mega millionaire
So if people aren't born to rich parents, they'll all be working at some shitty manual labor job?
so exactly what I said
That loan was in the nineties right? So that would be almost half a million by today's standards. That's a pretty big advantage over the regular joe with a dream.
Wealth to a large degree is a by product of IQ, which is heritable. High IQ children by and large have high IQ and therefore wealthy parents.
>I believe everything what youtube tells me
>Comparing family networth with individual
He is world's richest NETWORTH.
Majority of his wealth is calculated with his ownship of Amazon. He owns 18% of Amazon.
That alone makes his net worth 150 Billion.
Fucking idiots don't know what networth is.
oh ok
He worked at D.E. shaw (a very successful hedge fund) at an early point. He would've been able to get the 300k even if his parents didn't help him.
with 300k, you can easily live without having to worry about money. all it takes is some basic management. this would give anyone more time to focus on becoming really good at something. if that something is investing, then you can really become wealthy very quickly. without the initial money kickstart, he could have still made it, but it would be much harder. we must also recognize that most rich people would not be rich if they didn't have rich parents, that's a fact.
He wouldnt have got a job other than a cleaner there if it wasnt for his parents
>held up as an example of a little guy that made it huge
>born rich, went to elite institutes, worked at elite companies, has always been above 95% of the US population
hahaahahahahah thats a family you fucking idiot. thats the 12th grader argument after watching too many youtube videos. you unironically kys, you inbred mongoloid. the total net worth of Rothschild, albeit high, is divided amongst all family members. and after their donations to the louvre and significant heritage sites i doubt even their family networth is that high anymore. drink more koolaid tho
What did i tell you?
Its true if my parents didn't give me $2k for graduating college I wouldn't have $65k now as I sunk it all into bitcoin in July.
thats a total bullshit infographic anyone could have made and that you probably got from /pol/ of all reputable places. jesus christ, do you really need a boogeyman to blame all your failures on?
>it is estimated
lol can you even read? i expect not, coming from the mong who didnt even know what networth was.
its a total bullshit, got any actual sources?
hi CIA
Why are we even discussing chicken tikka he doesnt even look that indian
I'm not reading anymore of your sludge.
Based response that actually makes sense?
LOL the absolute state
Ok. I was referring to networth like most would when talking about wealth, pretty simple. Sources are included in the image, but ok. I just cannot stand talking to 110 iq bluepilled faggot redditors.
Quality bait, user. Quality bait.
of fucking course. maybe amazon would be a 1 year younger but that's it.
ivestopedia? wikipedia? kek, cry more you "redpilled" "eye open" know it all hahaha man. rothschilds are completely irrelevant after the formation of israel. if you had ur argument a century ago id agree with you but theyve been withering steadily
No, he couldn't have. If they had not reproduced, he wouldn't have even had a chance. Anyways, that's just my opinion.
Withering but still ontop. Which is the entire argument you've seemed to slip away from. Whatever original comment still stands, stop giving opinions you braindead faggot.
Cud he hace doen it witout dem?
not still on top my friend, thats what they want you to think. lurk moar goy
If that was the case, most scientists and engineers would be part of the elite and we won't have sports stars earning millions per year.
nope, no way, not a chance in hell
They've spent their lives in the shadows. Their link to the cia and the shadow government is very clear. Why would they want people to know they have wealth?
Fuck the rothschilds and all the other "elites". What about those bunch of inbred subhuman bloodlines makes them worthy of ruling over the entire world? You sheep can keep licking the boot of those who exploit you, as they spread drugs, guns and wars all around the world for profit. They will keep milking your blood and souls for all eternity, keeping you all in the cycle of death. You are the walking dead, you fools. The wealth of the rothschild family should be distributed to the entire human race, because they have made this wealth through exploitation of other humans, deceit and shady shit. Unless you can prove to me that they've actually worked for that money. It's all blood money. Keep spinning the hamster wheel, giving the "royals" your energy, cuck.
you two should go circle jerk each other over your supreme kike over lords
jesus christ wake the fuck up
Are you telling us to swallow the bluepill or is there something we're missing?
He's most likely a cock sucking elite shill. the elites only stay in power, creating suffering on this world, because of cucks like him. There are always armies of those limp dicked losers willing to die in elite wars for a chance to put their nose inside a disgusting royal butthole.
Probably not to the same extent as now but he would still be much much richer than the average person.
Tons of people get 300k or more inheritances from their parents and dont amount to anything at all.
No. If my parents gave me 300k my life would be so fucking different. That's buy a house and start a small business $. Then no rent, just utilities + property / income tax. Shit I could rent out the second bedroom or lease the property for passive income.
Life's not fair guys. Not fair at all...
Adorable, go the fuck back to
One big eye coin
most scientists and engineers who actually invent great things are rich (though not all).
the VAST of the people in academia have low field-related knowledge and are insanely well vested in academic circlejerking skills instead
Also, I noticed you're an anti-semite. This has nothing to do with the jewish people. The elites come in every race.
His parents $300k helped him open a book store. The CIA/Deep state and their desire for info on everyone made him multiple billions.
What is Request Network?
I can't hear you pajeets with my decentralized passive chad dividends
Any dumb nigger could make millions out of those 300k.
look man
this poster exposed themselves a few days ago
its a black gay guy that is unsure whether or not they are a tranny
he said that he is attracted to "masculinity" but that "white boys crying over BBC taking their women isnt masculine"
its obvious the guy is mentally ill and acting out over his own insecurities over being effeminate and not being able to fulfil the role of masculinity
wasted years of his life on /pol/ doing the same thing
now he is in Veeky Forums and not only wasting his life, but also missing out on making money
just gently remind the nut that its ok, mental illness is not his fault, that the cuck spam is just his way of dealing with his life not going as he planned (being a black gay tranny)
Go suck some tranny dick commie