Why are people afraid to talk about taxes? I fucking hate paying taxes everything should be volunterally!

Why are people afraid to talk about taxes? I fucking hate paying taxes everything should be volunterally!

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Welcome to being an adult.
Taxes are the protection money you pay to the government so that they don't kill you or imprison you.
Sucks? Sure does.
What are you going to do about it? Nothing, because you are bitch-made.

Taxes are bad! The finger thing means the taxes!

>I really want to be cuck
the post

I love how when you point out that there isn't a feasible way to depose the government or that it actually provides services of some use, the first thing out of libertarian mouths is that you're a cuck. Hey, asshole, unless you live in Sealand you're just as cucked as the rest of us.

No I don't want government services I don't want to be forced by government to pay for these services I don't use.

Everyone should volunteraly decide to pay "contribution" to common cause.
If they want to build road in village for common use that each individual should decide to chip in to pay for road, sewer or whatever if they seem it profitable.

the difference is you wilfully suck the cock
while others seek a way around it

Great, enjoy having your hippie commune turn into a tyranny of the most socially connected. If you can't see why some level of compulsory rule enforcement would be useful, please come back and tell me about all the anarchist communes that turned out super great.

What methods have you cooked up so far for evading Johnny Law? Bonus points if it's actually a meaningful act of rebellion instead of just doing something stupid and hurting yourself for the sake of your "values".

Take your datamining attempt and stick it up your prolapsed cuck ass

you're on a board devoted to crypto, a technology devoted to divorcing power from government and giving it back to the common man

connect the fucking dots brainlet

Man you are a real fucking retard with a shitty attitude. Learn what "pragmatic" means.

Confirmed to be a fucking teenager. Your opinion is worthless and very stupid.

>divorcing power from government and giving it back to the common man

So you use your government issued money, withdraw it from your government sponsored bank, get on the state-regulated internet, and buy your tokenz. When this process is over, you have taken power away from the government?

Enjoy your deflationary wildcat-bank economy while it lasts.

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Confirmed to be a nigger lover
Go pick up your prescriptions grandpa

I am not talking about anarchist communities you dumb fuck, I talk about communities that operate on voluntary cooperations.
Its same thing as government today but it operates on smaller scale, laws of land still apply, majority of people still vote on laws but you are taking away power from government.

Again, take your datamining attempt and fuck yourself with it cunt

>I talk about communities that operate on voluntary cooperations.

Oh so they aren't anarchist communes they're communities that have no compulsory rules. I can see why those are totally different, you dillweed.

You take away power from the government by making a smaller government? Is this what you tell yourself the scam economy of cryptocurrency is? A "government"?

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It's alright if you've never accomplished anything or done anything in line with your supposed values, you can just say that.

Yeah cry more that people arent falling over themselves to spoonfeed some brainlet boomer that is likely a fed to begin with, queer

I can browse Veeky Forums for secrit moon missionz just like you can, I was more asking if your posturing had any relation to the fact you live out just as cucked an existence as any boomer.

You dont know shit about me
And you never will

I said you have voluntary contribution but you have common rules of land you dumb fuck.
Would you rather have centralized forced money collection or decentralized regional operated regions of country?