Sorry for the shit quality photo

Sorry for the shit quality photo.

My 21 year old boyfriend just cooked pancakes for the first time.

This is what he made. Since we didn't have any syrup, he poured lemon juice and sugar on top of it. He got the pancake recipe from the first google search (goodhousekeeping).

Where did he go wrong, Veeky Forums?

Looks fine to me.

Lemon juice and sugar is much better than syrup.

That's what he thinks too. He doesn't understand why I don't want some.

You on the rag or something?
He made you pancakes and you are acting like a cunt to him?

you sound like a cunt

they're for him

You said you didn't want some indicating that at some point you wanted some.

>Where did he go wrong, Veeky Forums?
When he flew into that huge orb called an "egg".

He offered me the rest when he realized they were pretty gross and I said no. I did try them.

entitled bitch

okay. we're just not going to talk about the fact that op is eating off of a broken plate.

You're so fucking stupid

Stfu and post a picture of you asshole you insufferable roast beef slag

1. Did he grease the pan?
2. Did he mix the batter?
3. Did he whip the batter?
4. Did he use a metal spatula?
5. Did he try to flip the pancake without letting it set?

>My boyfriend

Go attention seek somewhere else.

>Where did he go wrong?

He hooked up with you, bitch.


I love this board.

I would eat that

Yep. Pretty much all of these are possible issues.

It looks like he unevenly mixed the batter, then tried to flip it too early.

That being said, powdered sugar and lemon juice on non-failed pancakes tastes delicious. I can understand that you would pass up on the rubbery-yet-burned scramble.

Hijacking the thread. As a slav who's never had or made proper american pancakes. How exactly do I make some? Is there some special approved Veeky Forums way or can I just grab any recpie of some retarded site about housewives?

Mix shortening with flour until crumbly. Mix moistness into it, until properly moistened. Cook it.


Ironic shit posting is still shit posting.

How can one fuck up pancakes?

Pretty much. As long as they have all purpose flour, egg, baking powder, baking soda, and buttermilk you'll be good to go.

There's also a buckwheat style that you can find thru google that's richer flavored.

what the fuck is that?

This. Be sure to mix in chocolate chips or blueberries for the best possible experience. I also like diced strawberries in mine.

Somebody scrambled pancake batter and burned some of it. Then, Veeky Forums was (ironically?) annoyed when their girlfriend didn't want to eat the mess.

Thank you friends I will make them for breakfast tommorow.

My mate did years ago. He got the recipe off of Google but it was for American style pancakes.
>too lazy to use a mixing bowl so he used the blender
>puts flour in first and then the eggs so when he turned it on nothing happened
>gave up on that and got me to mix it together
>melts about half a stick of butter for frying and it didn't get hot enough
>pours enough batter to cover the bottom of the 12" pan
>soaks up most of the butter on contact
It was disgusting. Thankfully he's learned to cook since then.