Should be pizza slices be big? Like really big?

Should be pizza slices be big? Like really big?

The bigger the better.

doesn't matter



I had some leftover salame and manchago so I made a quick pizza for supper.
I fucked up the dough but it wasn't too bad.

I'm also a mong, here's the pic.

Dassaslicedoe, jus chillin an' fuggin

No slice is too big...

I feel so bad for them. All they wanted was a nice pizza luncheon and they're left with all this pizza that they can't even come close to eating. Fucking faggots

You needed a picture of Sherrod for this?

New york, motherfucker.
Or times have changed so I guess it's more like new york, okayyyyyy? now.

Dassabesso, just chillin an fuggin

Pizza should be eatable with one hand, and without the slice drooping.

That's an easy way to scratch your plates up

also looks like a difficult way to cut pizza... or anything

dassashitpost, jus memein n fuckin

Me in the middle.

It depends on the pie.

Depends a lot on the borough and neighborhood, honestly.


Should be cut into squares, like thin crust Chicago za'

If I saw someone eating pizza with this, I would never speak to them again. I'm not even kidding

>Chicago za'
>thin crust
You don't understand the flyover delight that is the mighty 'go 'za, user.

most americans haveno business eating pizza.

If you're a growing kid, fine, but other than that, stay away from the grease pie.


Hey, that's bobby kelly