Vegan Thread

I'm just going to leave this here:

Also to save some time from reading a ton of defensive comments from neckbeards you should all know that I'm a reasonably attractive female.


Currently eating some Enjoy Life soft baked double chocolate brownie cookies. I highly recommend them. Also eating some Mike and Ikes Mega Mix (ten flavors). All vegan.

>Reasonably attractive
but y u lie 4

but the majority of foods I love are different varieties and cuts of meat, not shit sugar laden trash

This is what people tell me.

Tits or GTFO.

>not thinking meat is trash

Fine then. Try Gardein and Field Roast and different meat alternatives. All the meat eaters I know who have tried Gardein prefer it to meat.

Really though you have my sympathies. Although I would have gone vegan anyway, it was very easy for me to go vegan because I really, really, really, really do like the food better. I mean I think everyone would feel this way if they knew the best products and knew how to cook vegan food, but people like you will undoubtedly struggle more than people like me in the beginning.

show us your pussy

why do you wear women's clothing?

How 'bout some sweet photos of piggies instead?

Because I'm a woman.


Thank you hungry skeleton.

I'm neither.

I think this will be the last pic of me. From now on it's animals and vegan food.

it's funny because if you tried to nurse an infant it would die of malnutrition from your milk

why would you post a pic with a niglet?

LOL. I have a vegan friend who breast fed her 3 year old child while nursing an infant as well. The 3 year old is like 3 years ahead of his age mentally. He is the brightest 3 year old I've ever met and everything he learns is self-motivated. They have like 30 books and if I ever misread a word he would correct me - on any one book. And he was very energetic and healthy.

I'm not as healthy as his mother was but if I were to become pregnant I would become that healthy. But I've decided not to have children so I'm eating all the junk food I want at the moment.

fucking vegan attention whores no one likes you

She's adorable. Why would you post at all?

Looks delicious.

>if I were to become pregnant
that can be arranged bb

are you blind? how the fuck is that niglet adorable?

or are you one of those retarded self loathing white leftists whores?

>its chinese cartoon board #4

Why the fuck not?