if a friend of mine gave me $100k to invest for him and this money someone get lost.. am i fucked? no contract between us etc.. lost all his investment.. am i liable for the moeny? he just transferred them to me bank transfer and said invest.
If a friend of mine gave me $100k to invest for him and this money someone get lost.. am i fucked...
are you sure? i dont believe i am liable for all his investment
He may kick your ass but then you can sue him for another 100k
i mean i didnt steal his money.. money are just gone..
depends on where you are, in many places a verbal agreement is enough to make you liable, and if you can't prove there was another reason your """""friend"""" put 100k into your bank account, then you could get fucked
what did u do with it?
>money are just gone..
translation: I gambled it away on very stupid shit, and now I am looking for an out, like the fucking retarded vemin that I am
just be honest dude, we are going to judge you no matter what you say, so you may as well be judged honestly
are you from india?
translation: I gambled it away on very stupid shit, and now I am looking for an out, like the fucking retarded vemin that I am
if i say money are just gone what do you think that means? means bad investments
but it cant be gone in the normal market? did u do margin trading?
I dont get people who invest other people money like what the fuck you expect is gonna happen , they gonna give you money if you made em money? or if you lose them money you are expected to pay em back? yeah its a stupid idea
>if i say money are just gone what do you think that means?
I think it means you are some sort of third world insect that needs to work on his english before posting on an english language image board.
So what the fuck is the real story? What stupid shit did you """""invest""""" your """"""friend's"""""" money in?
What the fuck did you do, you idiot?
How do you lose someone's $100k
mate i am worth at least 10x than you.. you think people giving me 100k because i am some random pajeet?
i said bad investments.. invested in 2 icos and 1 got hacked and other is fuck all
yeah you are fucker
Which ones
one is fucking titanium blockchain
>mate i am worth at least 10x than you..
Yet here you are posting on an anime image board asking about your liability for throwing away somebody elses money.
You're a lying shitskin and you probably lost like 100 bux.
You can both get fucked hard.
You for being an absolute moron, and your "friend" for being shady as fuck if he can't prove otherwise.
i think you so mad you dont have a cent in your name.
this cunt told me to invest. i did it for him. .i am not paying back a cent
Yeah there's no way you're worth "10x" more than anyone.
At least not from crypto investing if you managed to put $100k in the most shittiest ICOs out there. What's the other ICO?
And I thought Titanium I was issuing new tokens?
yeah they did issue but price is 1/3 of ICO price
KEK your IQ 37 literally could've bought bottom of any top10 and made your "friend" money and now you're about to go jail because a verbal contract holds. Or he can make up a story and get you fucked
Bye bye pajeet have nice time getting analed in jail
KeK you are going to jail. 100k is A LOT of money.Either that or someone is going to fucking hurt you.
he’ll be eating curry in heaven
time to commit sudoku OP