That fuckin photo

that fuckin photo
at least its not an arrow anymore

Attached: sirgy.jpg (1263x909, 564K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh boy, the same scam photo of a scam actor of a pajeet shitcoin on another scam chink site.

This is the power of money, fellas.

Weak fud...

>it's today ... today!

Attached: 9642ce1e-00d2-4b85-91ae-9d784fc6ca2e.jpg (477x468, 44K)

What time is he speaking?

Mar 14, 2018
3:30pm – 4:30pm
21:30 - 22:30 GMT +1

Why would they even bother to update it at the last possible moment.

thanks friend

A hottie, two literal chads, and the same fucking Sergey picture where he looks like he hasn't shaved himself in five years.

To get Perianne moist when she sees who she's speaking alongside.

Attached: 1515689344305.png (1297x530, 247K)

Sergey is CEO tho

Perianne is so hot!

Attached: images.jpg (240x190, 9K)

ha ha you make th funny post

Attached: guuuhhuuuhh eehehehehe monei.png (558x614, 24K)

Who's this guy and why is Veeky Forums obsessed with him?

there are better (bulkier) photos of him

Attached: sergey.png (296x366, 129K)

Don't worry about it.


he's an autistic genius making a smart decentralized token contract that will connect all cryptos and make bitcoin obsolete and replace the world economy

Attached: wank.png (456x563, 241K)

Are there going to be any livestreams?

Ken Moyle looks like he fucks high-end escorts on regular basis

she a qt

Perianne is a qt. she should have nazarov babies

he certanly does.

Attached: 1518599277729.png (1000x1547, 1.21M)

Omg. She’s a fucking idiot.

t .roastie