I'm guessing all the whales that scooped the shit at 6k have long since spun their coins back out to retards above the 10k mark. So It's all pure loss at this point.
It does, because that thinking made me release my coins already. I've absorbed dollars from the market and will not be price then back in.
More people like me everyday means lower and lower price
John Jones
is this shit streamed ? where can i watch?
Jacob Lopez
#hodlgang #hodlgang #hodlgang fuck 'em haters go stand over with the #craefulgang
Tyler Perez
>The entire market cap for crypto wouldn't even be a blip on the radar of the federal budget. >the government secretly wants to end crypto >could theoretically own all crypto and use that to it's advantage. >instead pays a bunch of people to post pepe the frog plushies on a Vietnamese fly-fishing forum. Do you retards have any idea how retarded you sound?
Jordan Sullivan
>All Veeky Forumstards are gonna be /pol/tards soon from whence they came, again they go