This is the best thing you fuckwads have ever shilled to me.
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Check out Monster if you haven't seen it yet
why there isn't a season 3 is a crime against humanity
Check out Akagi if you want something in the same genre with even more autistic and unreal and fucking crazily badass with even more bizarrely stylized faces.
Season 3 is our real life since December user.
Nothing like gambling for your life mate.
It's good but every arc is longer and slower. I'm reading the manga and in the One Poker arc they take multiple chapters to deal a card or do anything.
biz larps as akagi, but is actually kaiji
Shit is the story still going? I hate when a series just goes on and on forever, like Berserk.
manga, anime, or both?
Wowowowow just started watching this
Thanks guys so glad I found a good anime vs all the weaboo shit around
Hated it. Boring Majong and not enough anxiety.
Kaiji sequel about crypto would be unironically good.
Season 2 is basically about crypto.
haha pretty much
i can't imagine what it must have been like watching that shit week to week when it was live
Yeah kaiji rules
Better than Billions?
The OST makes it kino.
Kaiji - The Justed
Akagi - The Man who eats Bears
One Outs - The Pump and Dump strategist
BTW, Akagi and One Outs have the same voice actor for the protagonist. These anime are about "gambling". Though One Outs is a baseball anime, the protagonist is an infamous gambler who use psychological tactics and dirty schemes on the entire series.
Anime. It takes a while to get going but once it does you'll find it is quite an amazing and intricate story.
oooOOooooooOOoooooO that's a tough call
Kaiji is much more relatable because he can be defeated and continually needs to adapt. Akagi goes 100x long because he's bored and he closes at the top.
Take a look at Akagi next. A lot better than the third arc of Kaiji.
The anime literally ended halfway through a cliffhanger. Read the manga. Maybe watch the first couple of episodes.