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How do you Eurofaggots cope knowing you literally have nobody like this in your governments? Does any Europussy politician support free markets at all anymore? It's a totally American thing to do, this guy is a Friedmanite, Europe has no sort of tradition. Most Europussies think if the government doesn't regulate literally everything shit will go to hell LMAO. Fucking retarded pussies.

My government doesn't want to know any info about my trades. If I ever cash out, then I should pay 20% taxes on my gains and that is it.

Have fun not having the option of ever cashing out without Uncle Sam taking ~60%.


Europe only cares about helping poor muslim rapefugees you evil racist

Europe is ground zero for the NWO what do you expect?

>Only 20%

Cucked. Also what country?

Europoor here. I only pay 1.2% taxes on my crypto assets. It's nice

A small insignificant one on the eastern side of Europe.

Some Euro countries are far ahead on cryptos compared to USA. Picture of Macron and cheese with his Ledger Blue in the May of last year. Not supporting the free market, my ass.
USA politicians are just now discovering this shit.

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Government shills or useful idiots, probably both
You fucking idiot thinking that governments love you lmao

Uncle Sam coming for your gains, once Coinbase releases the data to your government.

Be sure to buy lube beforehand.

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>Veeky Forums is supporting the guy that bashed the idea that the government is your friend

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Having to explain to these dinosaurs why crypto is important would drive me crazy...

Russian here, don't pay any taxes at all. Checkmate first worlders.

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>libertarians have to be ancap meme
uh oh its like im in pol again

That fucking goblin I want to murder him

God bless you Ameriburger!!!
Happy 4th of July!!!

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How's that ICO going mr burger friend?

Damn, the market literally stopped right in its track. Shits gonna blow up hard once movement starts up again

How much do you have/cashed out? I don't know what is the biggest safe cashing out amount and scared of kgb putting me into zona.
t.fellow russian

why do you think he's still alive? LMAO

What did he do? Just say Cryto is good? KEK

This guy and the CFTC executive - BOOMERS TO THE RESCUE!!

Everyone knows America is the greatest place to live if you don’t agree you’re probsbly just enjoying your shit country with your 0% chance to move up in the social class

Europe is not a federation, you mutt

Nobody cares about who this nobody is tho... that’s the difference between euro fag politicians and American politicians