Btc bleeding

>btc bleeding
>all alts bleeding
>chainlink stays stable

damn this shit comfy AF

$1000 EOY

Attached: chainlink.jpg (546x575, 133K)

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I love chainlink but don't fucking use niggers to post link threads please thanks

racist scum

shut up nigger

Attached: 1437392201671.png (741x649, 23K)

Please get some help, nobody deserves to be in your condition, poor person. I will burn a candle for you

Damn right!

50 cents, EOY!



Sergey spits on you

It's about to go on a serious downtrend. Just use TA.

I've noticed a healthy chunk of these memes come from Latin Americans.
They get way hung up on the "white" thing.

who cares what is that overweight ugly old shitstain thinks? do you think he wants more than your money? you fucking delusional retard

Attached: 1519864908091.png (411x385, 97K)

>an entire fetish-photography series based on "wow look how dark we can make this nigger if we put her in white on a white background and fuck with the light balance"
>but other people are racist

I just had to turn the brightness up on my phone

How dare you insult my beautiful Nibiru princess

Trying too hard swarmbro. Gotta be subtle to redpill these kids.

Go back to whatever shithole you crawled outta.

She's Wakandan

powerful image

clearly a butthurt murrican made this. they are the definition of cucks. europe is just controlled by jews.

fuck off back to pol brainlet

We may have different definitions of Jew