How do you cope? How do you make them go away?
Serious question.
Suicidal thoughts
Other urls found in this thread:
Unironically Kys.
meditation and motivation videos on youtube
and accepting that we will all die someday. try the suicide hotline no joke they are nice people
be a man
going to the gym, sleeping alot, over/under eating, staying sober, prostitutes, beer and an occasional relapse into coke. all those help, but the only thing that really works is keeping afloat on crypto and laughing at wagecucks.
Because if you go through with it you get another round in Terra.
Rationalize the thoughts you're having.
>How do you make them go away?
copious amounts of yuri
>loser comforting thoughts
>suicide hotline
Sorry Im not a girl
Yeah, I dont want to post my feels but I unironically see my future as an endless pathway of suffering.
>keeping afloat in crypto
We are sinking
the other day i got the best advice on /r9k/ from a kind user. "just stop being depressed" he said. my life changed right that moment magically.
having suicidal thoughts makes you a girl user
quit being a faggot.
Fuck off back to /soc/ and take the rest of you pathetic losers with you.
never commit suicide. go out killing those who hurt you so much
and that shit is buggy as fuck
>3/10 won't play again
travel the world enjoy God's creation or whatever you believe it... you know faith
Shut the fuck up you dumb nigger before I come lynch your ass and skin your family alive
Im the person who I hate the most.
I wish I got a cancer, heart attack or brain hemorrhage
Opjnion discarded
>all this shit
op, bad news
you are a girl
dramaqueen fishing for attention
get out of the closet and suck some dicks, maybe this will help
Ketamine treatments. They bring me back to normal when I'm feeling horribly depressed. You can go to a clinic (assuming you're American) to get them done or you can buy a couple of grams off the dark web and administer yourself small doses periodically.
the point of life is to try to enjoy the time you have
we are all going to die 100% guaranteed
theres no rush to find out what exists on the other side
just chill out, go sit in the sun for a little bit, feel the wind, look at stars, listen to birds
try to enjoy the ride
What works 100% is sleep. The longer you sleep the happier u r all day long . 9hours of sleep will fix you. Not even a meme
Go outside and seek sunlight. Pet a puppy. Who cares about this crypto shit its all fucking greedy devs wanting millions for their rube goldberg machine idea based on a 10 page pdf.
Make something. They aren't.
Nah if u lay down all the time ull loose more energy and get week. Sunlight helps you feel better also vitamin b. If your gonna sleep work out to the point of exhaustion and then crash
You cant just do it, your waifu is waiting on the other side.
smoek dmt
it makes you a little bitch ass gay faggot
so unironically you should remove yourself from the gene pool
/adv/ is over there, go away
For me, at first it was mostly about reducing leisure time, from there it got much easier. But maybe in your case you have too little, I don't know you mate.
stop taking the drucs you are taking they are alterating your should start jogging it helps
>staying sober
>beer and relapse into coke
Pick one buddy, it's pretty obvious only one is true.
build a legacy
empty cynical hedonism almost made me want to kill myself. Trying to create a family and a business to further my race has given me a purpose.
op killed himself please stop bumping his crybaby thread
Dębski śmierdzisz
typical junkie talk
Well first you should try the simple things. Eat well, sleep 7-8 hours every night, exercise regularly, and find at least one hobby you enjoy. If you've tried doing these four things consistently and it's not getting better, then move on to therapy and possibly medications.
I take meds
Deaths permenant
lol true tho
if you think meditation is for girls you'll never make it man sorry
science shows daily meditation literally changes your brain and grows new gray matter. your problem is you brain so fix it faggot
this is how im going to cope until i die
suicide does not remove someone from the gene pool idiot
there are plenty of alive people who have not passed on their genes
there are plenty of suicidal people who already have children
What's something you have to do right now?
Don't think, do it.
Eat healthy and 3 times a day around the same time.
expiriment with 6-8 hours of sleep. find out what you need naturally and stick to it.
Going to bed at the same fucking time every day is key. this will get you in a cycle you can get used to and plan shit.
If you did this and it's working out think about sporting.
You don't have to go to the gym, things like cycling, wall climbing, swimming is all good, Find the thing that suits you!
Get some omega-3, multivitamin and zink and take these every day after breakfast.
Stop smoking, if you can't stop go be a faggot and vape. It's way easier this way and the vaping habit is way easier to quit.
Also make up your bed every fucking morning and get a shower first thing every day.
It gets you of of that "meh i want to stay in bed forever" state. Your bed is for sleeping only.
And be mindful about your screen usage. those are traps and can suck you in and waste your day. Use it for what you wanted to do and nothing more if you got shit to do.
this is what got me out of a depression.
remember that this all takes some time.
You won't be cured the next day but give it 2-3 weeks and you feel a lot better.
>Took LSD
>It just enhances assurance that suicide is the best optin for me
OP if you want to be better then you better fucking listen to me.
I already know you have a masterbation/porn addiction. That’s a given.
What you need to do is stop with the porn and busting nuts, eat fruits and veggies, don’t eat fast food.
Exercise (everybody will say this) fucking do it.
Work on living a life that is relaxing and stress free.
You are depressed and suicidal because you have a chemical imbalance. You don’t need prescription meds. You just need to make lifestyle changes.
Also when you stop Porn, it gets worse before it gets better so keep that in mind.
Lifting and nofap probably the best things ever.
Lifting will make you eat well and sleep well since you don't want to lose your future gains.
Nofap will give you some testboost and will make you a bit more confident since your body and mind is being like "holy fuck we need to fuck man goddamn it you heard me??? we need to reproduce!!!!" and since fapping is out of the question, you'll have no other option than to better yourself and go out to find a girl to fuck.
It took me years to believe Nofap was actually real. I went from wanting to kill myself to actually appreciating life again.
I have been “running tests” on myself since I was 22 when I first stopped. I am now 28. I have relapsed many times but definitely cut back from 3 times a day to maybe once a month if I fuck up.
This shit works wonders, sounds like a fuckin meme. But when you check the charts of brain activity and know the extent of what Busting a nut to P does to your chemicals then you’ll realize.
P is different than real sex in case you guys were wondering. When you’re fucking a girl, your body releases bonding chemicals that help slowly stabilize your dopamine levels. When you bust a nut to porn, there’s no human connection, therefore you don’t have an evolutionary reaction and therefore your dopamine levels stay high for a lot longer and therefore will exhaust your chemicals much faster.