This fucking guy

"Well perhaps we'll have another hearing after some major terrorist event financed by cryptocurrency"

Oy wey... what's wrong with dollars?

Attached: brainlet.png (855x569, 703K)

Other urls found in this thread:

this oldman did not do any research before the hearing, I'm sure he only heard about crypto from mainstream media
> muhh terrorist
> muhh black market
what time is this? 2011?

3/11 confirmed govt funded event

Biggest fucking retard there.

he mentions the word 'pizza' in his fucking argument. He's such a boomer, these guys should not be allowed to write or consult new laws. This technology is 100 years ahead of his

>muh 401k
>muh stock in a company that makes great pizza

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-14 at 9.44.45 AM.png (2028x1144, 2.36M)

>so why should I use crypto? banks work just fine, goy

>oy vey crypto is evil you filthy goys. Dollars never funded drugs or terrorists.

dubs confirm. this boomer is a fucking faggot. he didn't even listen to refutations before btfoing people and moving to new witnesses. this is what's wrong with the government.

checked and keked

Sacrifice him upon the altar of Kek. Meme him from existence.

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jesus this boomer and "Mr. Scott" who can't even pronounce CFTC... are these the people that you Amerimutts trust to govern you? Holy fuck.

Is it ironic? Is it not? Do I sell all crypto? What did kek mean by this?


Mother. Fucking. Checked.

Kek this dipshit forgot to buy in when btc was under $1k

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These guys usually have hot chicks working for them. This guy can only manage a 2/10. What a loser.


found the jew

I said yeas ago letting terrorists in is essencial because you can then take away any freedom you want and ban anything you want just by saying it's for public safety reasons. I guess we shouldn't start digging who is really financing terrorists.

not bad

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"this is hello, not goodbye"

rly roasts ur almonds

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When it comes to funding terrorism, cryptocurrency doesn't hold a candle to the petro dollar.

Send this kike to the gas chambers!!!!


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Is this jews declaring war on crypto?

What's funny is I used to sell drugs, for dollar bills.
>wagecucked for 3 months, FOMO'd in hard in July
Now I have stable income from crypto and non-crypto investments AND I own a house.
>crypto literally stopped me from doing more crime


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Pretty disappointed with the panel's responses too. Cutting out middlemen cuts out fees. No minimum account balance where the banks siphon off your funds. Crypto is legal tender in Japan. I would have done a better job representing us to congress, what the fuck?


And you would have been assassinated quickly after the hearing too.

>All this technology that we have being applied in very sensitive areas makes us become almost a servant of the machine technology that was created to serve us

Was this entire hearing full of fucking morons or what?

Attached: mr lynch.png (1052x2796, 3.65M)

>be terrorist
>need funding
>ask Saudi Arabia for some doge coin
>enough to buy that new AK 47 I wanted
>next day, only enough to buy a glock
>go to gun store, "one pistol please"
>"that will be 400 dollars"
>"ah my fine infidel friend, perhaps you have heard of my new currency; Dogecoin, I will be happy to pay with my coin wallet"
>Owner points shot gun at me and says to get the fuck out

Attached: feelsis.png (254x198, 8K)

>whole thread about this hearing
>no url


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How much would BTC be worth if it was necessary to register a wallet with the government? Would you mine it?

you're right, and it's absolutely pathetic

His top campaign contributor is Allied Wallet - an online credit card processor for scam and pajeet tier sites.. hmmm

they also paid like 12 million in fines to DOJ for funding illegal gambling sites

look it all up

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>pajamas supporting terrorism
>terroists dont use dollars, they buy guns with crypto

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Preddy good man.

>I would have done a better job representing us to congress,

Implying that is what they were there for. Get real user.

Send this information to some crypto/tech journos they might run it

Attached: Sherman.png (700x580, 44K)

So uhh,,,
Will there be another "heart attack while sleeping" like what happened to South Korean official weeks ago?

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He literally just showed us ((his)) hand if we don't comply with regulations. I bet N.K. does some shit and (((they))) say it was funded by Bitcoin.

nice. very nice

Sherman looks very old so...

Credit cards and war profiteers. No wonder he hates bitcoin. Money that government can't print would make justifying wars a lot harder. Money that doesn't require middlemen would destroy credit cards.

>It's over..
>Video related

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We need to the MEME the fuck out of this


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Veeky Forums gets red pilled today

Oy vey

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What is the link for this?

Sminem checked. btc 1mil eoy

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gentleman, make the press aware

mr sherman literally takes money from offshore criminals

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a jew and his kikery knows no bounds

Underrated post
Also check'd

Kek people going in on this kike

>Shits on bitcoin and acts like turbo kike
>Internet proceeds to drag out everything he has done
>Craters his chance of ever being elected or showing his face with out getting blown the fuck out

Honestly this is going to do more to prevent regulation than anything else. Once it actually starts biting them in the ass because money is at stake they will cut the shit.

check'd and kek'd

this is how imagine all burgers. just complete ugly dumb motherfuckers.

lmao good job fuck this guy up

you heard it from the horse jew's mouth...the dems are planning another "terrorist" attack

Literally this, expect a false flag within the next year.

muh turrrists

Attached: sherman.png (1014x572, 579K)

This has very much a non-zero chance of happening just to destroy the threat that cryptos are to the petro-dollar. Wars have been fought for less.

What is the gameplan?

/pol/ is always right

This guy is why you shouldn't be allowed to serve in government agencies past the age of 40.

Goddamn I hate our fucking politicians so much

who are these loathsome creatures and why do they keep telling us what pathetic wretches they are?

just because you are a fucking bootlicker who buys into modern mans myth of a "social" creature doesnt mean i have to

go to the corner and kill yourself like youre telling me you want to, but leave me out of your mass suicide ritual because i love myself and you saying that i should hate myself as you do is no good for me, even though thats all youve been telling our generation of men browsing Veeky Forums all their lives.

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Russian Jewish hackers confirmed.


>Dollars never funded drugs or terrorists.
Mostly shekels.

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Son, post your fucking btc address

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9/11 was pysho-sexual trauma inflicted on all of you as children when the profane priests (teachers) presented their vision of modern man in the depiction of the two towers collapsing

analyse the myth of 9/11 (the one where we cannot comprehend how two planes can collapse buildings) and understand that is it the central tragedy of your life

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Nothing but bringing up everything he has done in the past. The most effective way to cause political change is just to just bring shit like this to the attention of the normies. Ultimately they want power and the more visible they are to normies the less likely that is to happen. The strength of politicians is in the things they do while nobody is paying attention.

Literally just pay attention to them and bring it to everyone elses attention.

>why cannot I use US dollars?

Fucking idiot comes arguing about something he has no idea about. Fucker wants to pay with dollars on a decentralized network,
top kek, brainlet 101

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Trump in his mythological imagery as the central 9/11 victim and survivor and re-builder and under-stander/comprehend-er of this tragedy and it signals the beginning of the reconciliation of the themes i am speaking to

it is also why they were not able to fathom his ascension (as they are the last man that Nietzsche speaks of) and the characteristics and """""meme magic"""""" we have now just started to become aware of (the warrior spirit and ancient truths)

we hate soyboys because we see the image that they want us to occupy and we have completely rejected the false religion known as pedophile papers (aka fiat) hence the mythology and fascination we had with pizzagate and why we are all flocking to cryptocurrencies now



>Credit Union National Association

Literally private bankers that loan individuals money on interest; middlemen that skim for profit. In a world where value needed to be physically stored, they were a necessary evil. The entire purpose of a credit union can be rendered obsolete through smart contracts and trustless blockchains. Interesting to not that all major corporate credit unions were rendered insolvent in the collapse of the housing market in 2008-9 and had to be bailed out by tax dollars; they're not even effective at what they purport to do. Their entire existence is clinging to a failed system that is rendered moot through the technology bitcoin provides.

fucking piece of shit kike

there's no solace in technology here, the only way forward is to acknowledge the themes that ive written upon and plan on expanding to the masses

praise the day and rejoice my friends


>major terrorist event
It's called a reserve bank monetary policy decision.

How many pounds of cocaine are in your body right now user?

But that was obvious user.

And he's saying this because they can't regulate bitcurrency.
Basically "wah I can't make the rules anymore and fuck you over through bribing the government".