My old car is ded so I'm cashing out some of my crypto to buy a car. Recommend me something /comfy/. I prioritize soft seats and leg room above all else, but it should look good from the outside.
My old car is ded so I'm cashing out some of my crypto to buy a car. Recommend me something /comfy/...
Honda Civic 8G is pretty comfy.
I don't like the way it looks
Forrester XT
looks kinda comfy inside but I never liked the name "subaru" so I'll pass on that brand
Lol what are these beta chink car suggestions. What's your budget op? Get a volkswagen.
Lancia ypsylon. Maybe a bit of a women car. But a lot of space for the legs and the best seats.
As a crypto Jew NEET, I'd prefer something cheap, but if I really like it I'll splash up to 40k
pic related
Golf GTI with sport pack. Comfy and quick. Fast as a type r with software tune.
It's ugly af bro sorry that won't do, I have standards
in that case alfa romeo guillietta no doubt.
How about an audi a3? Preferrably the e tron, sounds so damn smooth and silky.
It looks really small
this OP, get some unreliable, german trash with no resale value.
I kinda like it.
I don't like the way it looks
crown vic
Buy a used gt86 or brz for the ameriburgers. Nothing like a jap flat four rwd go cart
Get an old crown victoria detective car, tough as nails and cheap. I've caught air in mine going 45 while offroading
Plus there's a ton of room inside and the seats are like a couch. You could also go for a mercury grand marquis, similar but with a much softer ride
Mazda 6 or CX-5. I personally have a Mazda 3 S but you said leg room so I'm assuming you're a tall fag and might not be big enough.
lol really looking into buying this, thanks
yuck! not comfy AT ALL
If you're European get pic related, don't waste your time and money on cuckmobiles.
oh you said legroom
2015 Merecedes E-Class. Be a fucking boss and you can get one with decent milage for like $30-40k
Dont buy unreliable eurotrash cars. IF you dont want to lose value only buy japanese cars.
my dream car as a poorfag
it's cheap af, comfy and has lines like no other
2015 Merecedes E-Class. Be a fucking boss and you can get one with decent milage for like $30-40k
Repost because i forgot the pic
did daddy say legroom
I'm EU and I concur. Don't fucking buy a citroen frogmobile
ITT: OP looks for a car using the sissiest criteria ever.
Cars are and always will be a liability.
Get a $10,000 dollar car with good gas efficiency and put the rest of your car money allotment into stocks.
they look horrible, literally what I imagine a eurocuck drives. ew.
Honda Odyssey. Plenty of room for tall guys. Affordable. Reliable. Comfy af. Turn that shit into a NEETmobile.
this beauty will be the max you’ll get with your internet funny “money”
Anyone know a good place to sell car parts for crypto?
>Have 10k stockpile of parts from failed business venture
>Want to sell for crypto
Any non-lambo anons ever buy parts with BTC?
So far I've found Newegg as the only option, but they deal more in electronics.
Ford explorer
White BMW
Oh in that case.
>2015 Merecedes E-Class
looks boring desu
why are you triggered?
I agree, but I want something comfy and I have money to spend so that's that
Is this a reliable car? Just want something I'm gonna drive for 5-7 years or so until self driving cars are mainstream
These things fucking suck. They handle like shit and aren't going to be that reliable this far out.
---> Veeky Forums
ugly, but if I ever go full burger then I'll buy one
no. every fuckboi around here has one, I refuse to get one lest people mistake me for a turbo normie