What's Veeky Forums's opinion on using gloves when working in a kitchen...

What's Veeky Forums's opinion on using gloves when working in a kitchen? Does your job require you to wear gloves when handling food? Do you wear them or do you avoid wearing them? Why?

I personally dislike them as I see them as a half assed way to make up for the lowest common denominator when it comes to hygene in the kitchen. I avoid using them for the most part since they don't give me a good indicator as to if my hands are clean or not and they're just straight up unproductive to work with. I'm hygenic as it is and wash my hands at any given opportunity.

When I worked as a chef I would only be required to wear gloves when doing something like mashing up avocados for guacamole.

It's partly for your own protection. Washing your hands thoroughly as frequently as a chef aught to will fuck them up pretty fast. God forbid you're washing dishes.

>Does your job require you to wear gloves when handling food?
i used to work part time at a McD and we only had to wear gloves when handling the frozen patties. other than that, we had to wash our hands at least once a hour or after touching "dirty" things like door handles and such

I wash my hands like 12 times an hour. The only time I wear gloves is when I get cut or badly burned.

As someone who works kitchens i always wear gloves. The people who dont wnd up with hands of a 60 year old. If you're working a wok it might not be the best idea though.

I never worked in a kitchen, but I always use gloves for chopping up peppers once I gave myself a hot tamale and discovered that washing your hands doesn't do nearly enough to get the oils off.

I wear gloves when handling hot pepper or dye like turmeric. I don't work in a kitchen.

when cooking at home, i use a disposable glove for transferring ground beef from the package to the pan. that's the only time. but i always wash my hands before cooking

I use them for these reasons. I'm a nursefag and always have boxes of them around the house

I'm a real stickler for cross contamination. I like to wear gloves when handling raw meat just so I'm not washing my hands every time I want to touch something that isn't raw meat.

and this, of course. When working with chiles and jalapenos I wear gloves.

>transferring ground beef from the package to the pan

so you just fry it in the packaging?

Only when I am physically putting my hands into something like making a dough and need to the mix butter and flour with my finger tips.

If I am cutting vegetables no I wouldn't use gloves.

Cross contamination with raw meat, etc... I just wash my hands after putting it in the pan and then get back to it.

Turn pack upside down above pan. Dispose of packaging.

in the kitchen at the restaurant i work at they don't wear gloves except when they are like reaching into a cambro of kimchi or something. my boss's boss's boss said that gloves are just an excuse not to wash hands and they get really dirty in most kitchens beccause people are careless and it's even worse than just touching the food

ill put some on if i dealing with alot of raw meat or trying to slice hot meat. also i bite my nails so its best for me and whoever else might be eating what i cooked.

over here there's a piece of paper between the meat and the plastic which will stick to the meat and you have to peel off. i use gloves for that, too

That's the Meat Nappy

When I worked at a whataburger, it was optional but I wore them when putting the veggies on the burger. Nothing worse than a hand that reeked of onions.

same at the McD i used to work at. kitchen people liked to put on a glove so your hand didn't smell like pickles and rehydrated onions all the time

were honestly supposed to use them at all times, but i only use them when touching things that are sticky or something.

like after rolling out dough for cin rolls i would put on gloves to spread the filling.

or when taking dough out of the industrial mixers.
other than that i would just wash my hands.

I think gloves are a super
Convenient tool in the kitchen and can be a real time saver. I've worked in kitchens nearly my entire adult life. I always put gloves on before I take a shit so I can just take off the gloves and not have to use the soap that messes up my hands. That way I'm back on the salad station fast with nice dry hands. The chef hates when hands are wet for tossing salads.

As a dishwasher I wear gloves all the time so I don't have to wash my hands when i make salads or something.

I prefer gloves because the scar where I cut off a section of my finger is in a perpetual state of cracking and bleeding despite all the moisturizer I dump on it.

>Nothing worse than a hand that reeked of onions.

I handle onions without gloves almost every day where I work. To get rid of the smell, I cut a lemon and squeeze the juice on my fingers and underneath my nails. Works quite well with garlic too.

I wore gloves for prepping fish just because you practically need mechanic soup to get the smell off. 99% of the time nobody wore gloves in any restaurant I've ever cooked at.

I run the kitchen in a bbq place and on the front line we use gloves- pulling out and slicing brisket or pork shoulder can be a fatty mess and then holding a knife can be hard due to being slippery

I wear gloves when prepping customer's food because it's faster than washing my hands after a number 1 or 2.