I'll send 0.05 BTC to whoever gives the BEST advice for where to put $10k over the next 2 years.
I want a long term hold, no time for day trading.
Post your suggestion and address.
I'll send 0.05 BTC to whoever gives the BEST advice for where to put $10k over the next 2 years.
I want a long term hold, no time for day trading.
Post your suggestion and address.
Other urls found in this thread:
Dude, it's so overwhelmingly simple. You put that money into chainlink.
Not in Crypto. Choose a stock that pays great in dividends and hold. But if you absolutely had to choose a coin, go with LTC. I see 1,000+ in the near future as many orgs will use it for transactions. 1G8RfL5iSzUTUjwCgg33J1eXFUps17nGE9
IOTA. PERIOD, I'll put that 0.05 btc in iota too
A lot can change in two years, but if you believe in crypto in the long run you believe in Bitcoin. I would suggest you buy either Bitcoin/Litecoin and maybe OMG as it will be a great addition to the Ethereum network. Don't buy a low mc coin if you plan on holding it fot that long. Most coins in the top 10 change every year.
stake in node
IOTA is trash.
Put your money into JNT and I would also recommend the upcoming ICO sovrin, because it's a Hyperledger Indy project, they are also working with the US homeland security etc.
1. If you have any debt, pay it off - the interest savings alone will do wonders for you
2. Take some of your crypto gainz and invest in IRL Development > 2 years at the (((GYM))) or some courses in Dropshipping (Meme I know) or Advertising will do wonders (Its how I subsidize my coin gambles)
3. If you're actually looking to invest $10k I would say take 25% and throw it in the normie stock market. It isn't M00n Gainz but it will actually give you something.
4. ETH / LTC are my long term holds for stability I have some ICON as a meh shot and some NEO. I plan to hold on for a year or so.
If you give more information about your life situation / goals / how you define Best I can probably help more
Skycoin will rocket soon and only go up
XLM. It Is being shilled hard by ibm. It's the best coin in the top 20 currently and will be around for a long time. If a large company wants to use a top10 coin in their business right now it will be xlm or xrp. They have products that work right now and work great. Xrp is good too but xlm has more room to grow. Safe 40x over the next 2-3 years.
A new token based on an already existing business, the CEO of OmiseGo is an advisor. They have big plans for Q3 and could dominate the decentralized energy market in asia.
I would just find all the potential eth killers and spread evenly in that.
Eth/eos/ada/neo/some other random low visibility "eth killer" as a wildcard
see repetitive link dubs o truth
Hopefully this helped you a bit
Honestly mate, if you value the money the only option is gold. Let me explain, the stock markets, bond markets, US/UK/CAN/AUS housing markets are all massively overvalued and in a bubble inflated by the central banks expansionary monetary policy, as the central banks are now rasing the interest rates this will cause all these bubbles to pop.
The underlying economy also has reasons to fud, and gold will benefit when these come to be realised. I think at some point QE4 will have to be done. There are a lot of potential upsides for gold at the moment, and precious metals as an asset class are the only thing not in a bubble, quite the opposite actually the price is being purposefully suppressed.
I do like cpytos but 2 years is a really long time in crypto so I would advise you stay away from it unless you want to actively trade.
ETH and OMG. Get in on these big sales while you can my man.
Buy gold, insert in pooper. That's a freebie.
>the CEO of OmiseGo is an advisor.
so literally nothing except skateboards
This might sound funny to you, but I'm serious.
Why? Hear me out.
The face of cryptocurrency to the masses will not change over the next 2 years. Many shitcoins will come and go over two years, but Bitcoin won't die.
As a matter of fact - everything on the market is tied to the dinosaur in one way or another.
Sure, you could go invest in a low cap coin, but are you really going to feel comfortable placing ten thousand dollars in something that will 90% die in 2 years?
My suggestions are - Binance coin (always bet on the house), Bitcoin (this will always be the face of cryptocurrency, face it), and Ethereum (Coins that aren't complete shit are based on this network).
Godspeed user.
Longterm hold. Taking on 3 key things crypto has rn. Scalability, Interoperability, and sustainability. It is on massive discount. The peer review is very heavy from many mathmetitcians. Founder helped cofound ethereum. Their main goal is to give the power over to the people where it will be funded long term by taking minor transactions off the top of your transaction which can always be reduced. The plan is to allow people to vote on what they want to change and the company will no longer be able to choose the development, only the changes will be peer reviewed through democratic election. You can stake your ADA while offline, the wallet is clean. And they routinely keep people updated. I highly recommend this video where he highlights problems ADA is taking on that blockchains are going to struggle in the future.
NANO (Wait for a entrance point)
XMR (now is oversold AF)
Thanks user
ShipChain, DYOR
Gold is an asset that is no one else's liability, meaning it is not debt derived. We are coming to the end of a 70 year debt cycle, golds purchasing power will increase massively when it happens as gold gains the purchasing power of all the overprinted dollars and will eventually equal the market cap of the total debt at the time - this has happened many times throughout history, gold always does the accounting when debt bubbles burst.
shill your tranny bags to reddit fucking faggot
Report and stage this pathetic larp
>Veeky Forums
Nevermind. All the Pajeets and Pacos are just going to beg.
Gold is also the best protection against inflation and hyper inflations. This is another possible way I see the economy going: Markets crashing in real terms but going up in nominal terms as the fed prints the dollar into oblivion.
TEU Tokens
Excellent project to long term hold, Check it out.
thank me later.
BTC: 12rw6eGjzEKVVx7T1YL7s914j46EcvuyCb
All this Mars talk is for suckers that would give Elon BJ for free.
He sent car to space for 2 reasons:
1. Obvious Tesla advertising
2. Relate-able size item for future asteroid mining investors.
Imagine how easy it i to pitch new mining robot when you can compare it's size and weight to Tesla. He didn't shoot that car to the Mars, he shot it in Mars direction, guess what? There are trillions and trillions of dollars worth minerals where that car is heading! Every planet has heavy metals but 98% of it is deep in the core. Asteroids belt is a planet puzzles with all the metals exposed, cooled and weightless! All you need to do is go there, grab one and drop it on Earth.
Do you want piece of those trillions? Buy stocks of only company flying there.
Anyone who gives OP advice actually expecting to receive anything 2 years later is an idiot.
Silver, choose an ETF that is phsically backed or hold physically yourself if you know how to sell it in future
Here is my BTC address if you like my answer: 1MmaYmvf1sEF4GmqRPVCShHQ3K8tQhjmCg
I will be happy to answer anyones questions about gold as well, as I think everyone, no matter how rich or poor, should own at least some gold.
Tencent holdings stocks
>only internet in china
>owns part of blizzard
>has gone from 18 dollars all the Way to 58
Heres my adress to deposit said bitcoin
>low supply
>low market cap
>the first mineable erc-20
>exchange in the roadmap
>literally unknown to everyone even biztards
Find a Proof-of-Lurk coin, it's best suited for you.
Their Alibaba holdings alone are worth more than the whole company, which is huge itself.
Half on copper futures for the next 6 months.
Half on Tesla for the next two years.
After 6 months cash out on copper ando to btc.
Best post in this thread. Buying into Elon musk is like buying into google during the .com era. Anyone who thinks buying musk today is buying high is a fool who doesn't understand potential and momentum. The man bleeds success and he is only getting started.
Genesis Vision (GVT) is the comfiest hold now and will be for the next few years. It's bringing crypto assets into the realm of traditional investments/assets (forex, precious metals, etc.). It will be the premier trading platform that will tie the crypto to the traditional investment world. Circulating supply of 3.7 million, market cap of $91 million, steady growth since its inception.
BTC: 3J89ZUDcMgZNfzMmPvx7u7zJnJcC9rB4Z5
ex USSR vibe is strong in this picture
Its already too late fuckface
>hurr durr am a spend money on a stock worth 325 dollars
Go all in on Silver, Neodymium and Cobalt, I'm serious
All of these things are needed to produce mobile phones and tablets and the supply is being drained.
Buy emergent markets actions.
You can give my greaters in 2019
I'll buy a cycle for my child. Tnks
>hurf durf why would you buy buttcoins at 700 bucks? what a waste of money
LINK: makes possible for anyone to use smart contracts, there are trustless contracts which need no executor like a government body, police etc. These are really important. And the future.
XMR: Bitcoin became popular because it was used on the black market, people thought it was untracable, this wasent true, and many pedophiles, drug dealers and hitmen are now sitting in jail because they took btc as payment, Monero is different, it is truly untraceable. It uses ring signatures to hide the money trail. It will at least go to 10k.
OMG, RLC, and BCH are also good options.
If you want something less volatile, go for Exchange traded funds, these are just stocks that represent a certificate of ownership like if you list your certificate of deposit from a bank on the market. Just that they don't represent a money deposit, but other stocks. For eg. You only have $10 to invest in stocks, you can't afford all the top 10 stocks, so you buy and ETF which represents the top ten stocks, meaning the ETF company bought the top ten ranked stocks from the exchange and sold part of the ownership by listing their own stocks. So for just $ 10 you can own all the top ten stocks.
If you want even safer I would suggest Swiss government bonds. There are iron solid, even Hitler owned them.
Eth add
Btc add
it’s the only other crypto that’s actually used as a currency.
Go all in on BTC if you're gonna hold that long.
Crypto will come back to life, and BTC will be the main connection and measure of worth between all cryptos.
It's also simple and effective. Almost all other coins (except ETH) are basically a meme.
Also BTC is highly versatile and flexible, you can see that in its ability to add and even CHANGE its protocol, security and features. It has truly stood the test of time, and will therefore not fail.
BTC is your safest bet for 2 years, and you definitely make some gains.
So go all in on BTC!
>Enroll to uni for stem degree
>talking about xmr being the future of crime coins
Okay you really need to stop posting before you actually make people money. Only one I disagree with you on is omg, only because their shady business tactics did a lot more bad than good for them.
I'm going with this.
Thanks user
Basically the vechain of Europe. You have more than enough for a masternode for some great passive income. Amb could 20x from here and still would have a lower mc than vechain, plenty of room for growth. The team is brilliant with plenty of solid UN and Nestle connections, CEO even spoke to the UN multiple times. Partnership with the biggest swiss coffee company. Based in Switzerland, no fear of dumb regulations.
The blockchain to connect blockchains. Will 100% be needed in the future to connect blockchains from different industries and currently has no competitors along with a massive head start.
Ally Bank savings account user. Guaranteed return.
>learn languages and culture
>slay pussies
np user
Is RLC good?
get some gold
>Almost all other coins (except ETH) are basically a meme.
Should've mentioned XMR as well.
70% BTC (dyor on entry point)
30% JNT - just buy now, close enough to ground floor
Keep your crypto shekels
Kek has spoken
>where to put $10k over the next 2 years.
for crypto: ripple is the place
for other: amazon
even better, if you know real estate: put a down payment on a 4plex in a small midwest town.
A portfolio comprising of:
20% Bitcoin
50% - 10% spread among 5 of the top 10 coins on coinmarketcap
15% on Ethereum
And the remaining 15% should be spread among 10 small altcoins or ICO's which you believe in (altcoins that are very small in value, allowing u to have many thousands of them and thus your gains being many many multiple more if the value increases alot)
for that last part you'll need to do your research on new altcoins and ICO's and pick projects that you believe in, have good credentials and a roadmap, have alot of exposure etc. Basically just doing your research
Then its holding for the most part for the next 2 years. If you see a certain coin perform very very well and reach an ATH that you don't think is sustainable, cash out 50% and move it into something else part of the portfolio which is steadily growing before it dips again. Otherwise its mainly holding, and taking small portions of your gains from ICO's or altcoins and investing them into more altcoins or ICO's.
Xtcc before the for baby it's a free double your investment and a whale is supposedly pumping it from 0.01 to $1 until saturday
Make sure you DYOR, but yes, very very good. Here's the basic elements you will see in any RLC thread
>working product
>best price comparison is ETH due to almost identical supply
>Dapp store
>same premise as golem, with none of the vaporware, due to flip it
>expecting major pumps as we approach may due to v2 something or other
>was 60 cents months ago, hit 3 bucks, bottomed out around 1.50 with a floor more than twice what it used to be
>pumps occasionally for those looking to accumulate
>all star multiple phd devs
>hardly advertises to prevent price overinflation
>partnered with REQ
etc etc
30-50 bucks by eoy is my guess, and probably more onwards. RLC is probably one of the best long term holds in the market
Put it on eToro.
You find people to copy, and invest. It's that easy. All you need to do is find people worth copying - but don't worry, it literally tells you.
When you sign up, you get a virtual account with $100k to practise with - you can use this to decide who best to copy.
Basically, just copy people that have lots of other followers.
Sit on it for 2 years, enjoy.
i gave you pure gold
Lite coin is all you need to know my friend.
This is available for all to see, buy ltc not this weekend, but the following Sunday and hold.
By the end of the summer you'll be shitting your pants. There will be lager growth then most any coin has seen.
Screen cap this anons for buy date and repost the following Monday to show your green lights and this.
>There will be lager growth then most any coin has seen.
thanks just sold 100k
100x this!
Buy oil and gold stocks. UCO for oil, and GDX or GDXJ for gold. You'll thank me.
Selfkey hands down.
They are very active, on point with their roadmap.
Very underrated on biz.
This kyc token is a long term hold, and it is just at 1c, don't miss out on this one.
They've had at least 5 partnerships in the last month
I suggest you DYOR
Also, OP consider the fact that they will implement a market place in the future, and kyc is becoming a norm in crypto.
this, retard.
Gold, buy ounces of either physical or "paper" gold via your bank. Or else TFSA or 401k and get mutual funds.
(Maybe NEO but risky)
Enjoy your gains
He didn't even give u an adress.