Is there a more overrated cuisine than soul food? Collards are salty, worse spinach, fried chicken is whatever...

Is there a more overrated cuisine than soul food? Collards are salty, worse spinach, fried chicken is whatever. I'm sick of this meme food.

Is there a board that /pol/ doesn't shit up?

It' brey good. Some things might be overrated but Collards, and Fried chicken are not one of them.

Collards are horribly overrated. They're an average side dish. It's literally impossible to make them so good that someone is blown away by them.

>i had one bad experience so the whole cuisine is bad


0/10 no (you) for (((you)))

I've had soul food from different restaurants on numerous occasions. I never said it was shit but that its average food that is overrated.

How bout Italian food? It's just salty as fuck pork. And if it's not pork, it's some other meat smothered in sauce and cheese.

Affirmative action and black twitterer have broken into the culinary world. People only say it's good to make blacks feel better.

You boil them with smoked neckbones, and they are fucking gold. Throw some onion, and dice a tomato and it's really good. They do the job. I'm not looking to get blown away by the sides anyway. They get the job done.

Italian isn't overrated but it's definitely overplayed by now. Soul food is the hot "new" meme.

Soul food was invented in the 1960's as part of black identity politics. But most of the dishes considered soul food are just Southern low country cooking. Low country cooking might not be the healthiest thing to eat on a day to day basis, but a lot of it is fucking delicious. It's not a refined cuisine, but it's not meant to be.

>been out for hundreds of years
Are you from Canada, or somewhere non American?

Nice reading comprehension. Soul food is hip now. I didn't imply it's a new cuisine.

Not sure where it's "hip". Is there a surgance of soul joints popping up? None in any of my news feeds. Maybe it's just in your town or something.

I'm sorry, but can I get a few /thread-a-roonies on this?

>Soul food is hip now.
Where? Here in NYC it's still mostly in the black neighborhoods. The cool kids here are still doing super upscale pizza.

It is overrated, but it's still better than most white people food, but that isn't saying much

White southern cooking > soul food

its good stuff

you guys are actually retarded

lets be honest, it's basically the same shit

That's racist

True, but southern white trash refuse to admit it. Go figure.

Except it's the other way around. "Soul food" didn't become a thing until the 50s/60s. It was all called southern before that but special snowflake blacks couldn't handle that.

Soul food's only draw is that it panders to basic human cravings for fat (deep fry everything, use animal fats in vegetable dishes) and salt.
Its insanely unhealthy but its become a meme because its easy for food manufacturers/restaurants to capitalize on the basic fat+salt=tasty equation.

>blacks in the south in 50's and 60's

Oh, you mean back when they couldn't eat in the same restaurants, use the same bathrooms, drink from the same water fountains or attend the same schools?

>Fifty years ago, “soul food,” as a coined culinary term, burst into the American mainstream after floating around in black culture for years beforehand. From the beginning, soul food was magical, malleable, and maligned. Soul food brought African Americans across our nation to a shared table based on a common racial identity and narrative despite class and geographic differences. In short, soul food was more about blackness than it was about a specific list of ingredients. While there was considerable consensus about the cuisine’s core dishes, soul-food cooks and diners gave wide latitude to what could be included on the plate, and to how it was prepared and seasoned. Though that flexibility powered soul food’s popularity for decades, it may now be the source of the cuisine’s problems.

im so fucking jealous my grandparents got to live in that America and I didnt. That sounds amazing. They fuck up the bathrooms, shit on floors, everything. Whites shouldnt have to share facilities with those people.


FUCK OFF /pol/



Why did you make this thread? Cuisine? Stupid.

Why did you make this post? Questions? Stupid.


What makes this a meme food?

Soul food is literally the only reason I stay in contact with my step mom. It's delicious, not some culinary masterpiece, just delicious.

Koreans make better fried chicken but gumbo is definitely not overrated

I've lived a lot of places and there's no correlation between number of black people and bathroom cleanliness so you're probably just a racist fuck

Op food looks mediocre but I'd eat it. Where is this a meme?

It's peasant food. You can dress it up, but it's still peasant food.

Kind of like a lot of French, Italian and German dishes - the flavours can be intense and deeply layered, and the dishes can be prettied up and re-invented to an extent, but at the end of the day, you're still eating a dish made in the cheap seats. Nothing wrong with that as long as you aren't one of those people tossing up photos of your $35 coq au vin.

kys my man

gumbo is more cajun than soul food

Ah ok then I'd say fried catfish is definitely not overrated. Tbqh, thousand fold better than fish and chips

Half black guy here.

If you wonder why every single black person you meet in the south is obese, its because we either eat soul food at home or fast food outside.

And soul food is basically all butter based....

>FUCK OFF /pol/

Why do you think that it is only whites trying to raise awareness of the black obesity epidemic?

And, you do realize that to fight black obesity, we need to raise awareness first.

You trying to hide the issue of rampant obesity in our communities is part of the problem.

> African American adults are nearly 1.5 times as likely to be obese compared with White adults. Approximately 47.8 percent of African Americans are obese (including 37.1 percent of men and 56.6 percent of women) compared with 32.6 percent of Whites

Not impressed by either tbqh. I do admit catfish is better because I get sick of the greasy fried batter on fish n chips after one piece, but both of those foods are the definition of pleb food. I've had a good deal of catfish in nashville, even went to a highly rated catfish shack run by an old black dude. It was cheap and comfy, but at the end of the day, it was catfish, cornmeal, whitebread, ketchup and mustard. People who think it's amazing must be affected by good memories or something.