I'm ruined

I knew i shouldn't have done it. I took what was suppose to be 3 years worth of student loans and went all in on bitcoin. I am ruined. There was so much talk of bitcoin surpassing 1 million by 2020 and i couldn't bear to watch bitcoin zoom up thousands every week and not be part of it. I bought $60,000 worth of bitcoin at $17,000 a coin. Every day i watch as my portfolio bleeds while the 9.6% interest on my loan ticks.I don't know what to do Veeky Forums. I think I'm going to be sick

Attached: dcOBuVk.gif (308x212, 1.39M)


What bank gave you a 60 grand loan to buy crypto?

post a screenshot of buy


kek, cucklet.

Feel you. Try not to sell a sat, wait till it recovers. I'm sure bitcoin won't die any time soon. Circulation will only decline as time passes by so value will increase.

>>kill him, then transfer everything

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 54K)

Nice larp. Had a good laugh.

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