i was heating up my skillet and got sidetracked, them dirty bastards got me a bit crunk
i used my cast iron skillet, havent had the time to get my propane tanks filled in a while, i like the skillet except it get my apt kinda smokey cuz my exhaust fan is potatoes
id say it is fine dining judging by them fancy pants city boy salt and pepper shakers, i never get fish like that because i feel like id have bones in every bite
i know it was not very educational srry
i choose my meat based on shape and nothing else:)
lol no worries, ive just been working like a madman, i wasnt gonna make another thread till after xmas but i had some free time so fuck it, im glad some of you care tho lol thx
true story my first car was a 1989 toyota corolla and I discovered it had a whole colony of ants in it once on my way to a camping trip with a cake in the backseat almost crashed that bitch, you are on thin ice m8 be careful
2 steps ahead m80
sounds good, is there something going on today i wasnt aware of?
m8 if you have room go adopt a kitter, there are cute little kittys being put down every day or even adopt an older cat they need love too
this thread isnt all about what u want m8
thx friend
m8 i probably have one of the most extensive digital screwed and chopped/houston/tx rap collection in existence, like i seriously have a problem its time consuming but i love it
absolute madman
Patti is a attention whore and loves it, my oldest cat wants nothing to do with these types of shenanigens, and giblet the kitter is going to be a problem soon, ill probably need a squirt gun for her shes batshit insane
that looks so dank, i used have relations with a cajun and her grandma made some friggin gr8 food, especially gumbo, never made it but i may need to try it