I wish I could get like $10K to invest in this right now. I'd be literally a millionaire in a year or less.
Its market cap has been recovering in the face of other coins falling faster.
I'm trying to time the absolute bottom of this bear to dump more fiat into REQ. If the mcap drops below 100m then I'll probably start buying
Not a single ERC20 token has achieved anything useful. They will all die, 100% of them. Only BTC and second/third layer solutions will prevail.
K shill me faggots. I have $40k fiat left to spend. Or I'll just keep buying the ETH dips.
What is this shitcoins purpose that is not fulfilled by something else already
dyor cunts
REQ is a payment platform, with currently 42 fucking teams developing apps in top of it, and many (don't remember the exact number) businesses willing to instantly use the product once it comes out. The use of the REQ tokens comes when this starts to get traction. The more transactions in the net, the more REQ is burnt, thus slowly increasing the inherent value of it.
Little things (You) need to know :
>The REQ team didn't outsource anything
>You don't need to hold any REQ in order to make a transaction. It's burned automatically from other, specific sources.
>Your tokens absolutely won't get randomly burnt. That's fucking stupid
sell a kidney and buy it back later
Exactly what is similar to REQ?
why are you helping them
also REQ is not just a payment platform. It is an entire financial platform, use cases range from payments (pay with whatever you want, receive whatever you want) to real time accounting and finance which can literally make accountants obsolete and save businesses billions round the world eventually.
It's Ethereum tailored for finance basically
Holy shit dude, your id !
Dotcom bubble confirmed !
Sell guys !
Quite similar desu
Hey nice digits
>Why are you helping them
Can't let the FUDers win
>It is an entire financial platform, use cases range from payments (pay with whatever you want, receive whatever you want) to real time accounting and finance
Yep, couldn't say it better.
>It's Ethereum tailored for finance basically
I guess that describes it better than "Paypal 2.0"
Bow to REQ, it's in the prophecy.
Are you guys saying the REQ and LINK memes are true?
>the year is 2019
>REQ gets adoption on Amazon
>it's looking good
>price is still at 40 cents cause King Shitcoin decided to dip again
thinking of putting 1k into this shit, hope its not a meme
As it shall allways be !
What does LINK have anything to do with Req
REQ needs an oracle and they've said they're looking at using ChainLink
can someone explain why i should be holding this shitcoin? why its value will ever rise above a dollar? it isn't comparable to eth. it's a shit token that you don't need to own to use the platform.
Req always gets the sick digits. 100k EOY. Check em.
DAMN BRO. Let's go with 100k sats because 100k usd is out there.
You will have minimum $400K EOY. No really. At least.
Now is, unironically, the time to buy. It's bottoming out and whales who have been accumulating the whole time you autists have been getting justed are readying to pump it. We had a test spike up into resistance yesterday. Pretty soon we're going to the moon
I want to believe
If it makes you feel any better, I bought a couple hours ago and have an order to buy more, lower. So I can stand behind my word. I think this is a good time to buy
same here man, damn i wish i had some more fiat to pour in.
No, you buying a couple $100 worth does not make me more willing to spend $40k on REQ lol
I'll just keep accumulating ETH and diversify into shitcoins later
Remember: .05 by summer. .01 by September 28 2018.
You've been warned.
Whatever man, just trying to prove my point. It's a lot of money to me. Maybe my 200 dollars feels like your 40k to you.
Thinking of buying REQ, got a few questions/concerns to be addressed first:
1. Isn't OmiseGo going to do this better?
2. Doesn't MEW already do everything REQ does and more?
3. Will my tokens be randomly burnt? Where will tokens to be burnt be pulled from? If the price of REQ doesn't go up for whatever reason, isn't it theoretically possible all the REQ tokens disappear making the network unusable?
4. Why did they outsource the vast majority of the project to Indians? Isn't that somewhat concerning?
5. This isn't necessarily something I can quantify or whatever, but doesn't the whole concept of REQ seem a bit...creepy?
i have $10k in this shitcoin and i want to kill myself
BNB is useful token that is also erc20
also SALT has a use
for what reason dumbass?
>hurr durr is cuz REQ a shitcoin
literally not an argument, everything is a shitcoin
1. OmiseGO and REQ really aren't the same thing
2. REQ is a platform, MEW is just a wallet
3. No, businesses, no
4. it's a platform, nobody is saying ETH is shit cause there are a ton of tokens built upon it
5. I agree, weird and creepy
Req needs oracle so it's useless without LINK or something else similar.
REQ using some roadmap as ETH
$5 eoy
>French Tech.
>Wipe Paper.
>The most irrational bag holders on /biz.