Well played lads
Well played lads
he isn't even trying to smile, fucking sad
i see his gf Boring waiting for him in the background
That is a negro. I would fucking run.
I like that about him, he is not fake and doesn't pretend to feel something he is not feeling.
Holy shit this is a sure sign that ChainLink is finished.
It's a sure sign that he's fed up with shitty memes and associating with this shithole. Bullish.
Honestly wtf is wrong with me, do I really own $2500 worth of this dude’s fucking shitcoin...
He knows
Why the fuck would you give a shit about his shirt you little retards, you're either twelve or humongous faggots. Go back to where you came from.
Its a lucky shirt, I like that about him
I;m thinking about thos oracles
that kind of autism is a good sign if anything. i'd be more concerned if was constantly wearing some kind of new stylish clothing
Because he has been wearing it to everything post-swift competition and you can see the lower button struggle more and more with each conference as he gets fatter and fatter
So? What impact does that have on anything? You think he needs to gear up in his best suit and tie to please you, the almighty crypto investor? Fucking end yourself
no it's the other person
Why must you bring shame on our board
thanks just sold 100k
This. You want an autist for this type of tech. It's better than a chink or a scammer who constantly smooth talks. If there is anyone who is going to do his absolute best to make this tech work, it's an autist.
This is such a stupid way to think. In real life, "emotional intelligence" and reasoning ability are strongly positively correlated.
This isn't a video game--the designer did not balance the builds. People with social skills are smarter than autists.
his body language says it all :(
trips of 7's checked
praise kek
Yeah, i don't know.. i almost want to sell my linkies
Is it me, or is biz acting as a stereotypical normalfag where Sergiey is the poor persecuted autist
I don't know what goes through the minds of people openly shitposting towards him, like what's the deal? Do you actually think those memes are funny? I feel like this board has gone to absolute shit and Sergey has to pay the price for it. Leave him alone.
This is why decentralization is a meme. Fucking plebs cant have nice things because they get too carried away and act all autistic.
I hope Sergey abandons the project and fucks off with the ICO money.
what the fuck is this reddit tier shit, look how uncomfy Sergei's hands are because of your faggotry.
get him.
You buttholes hurt his feelings and now he hates us
wow really sergey??
we made you fucking rich and you give us that bitch face
Wears same shirt everyday
Passion of chainlink gone
Upset face
biz retard take photo with him
shadowfork commences
If LINK ever fucking makes it, he is now plagued forever with images online of him standing next to someone with a fucking BIZ sign. If people check this shit hole out we are fucked. Sergey might as well have endorsed this fucking site himself if he was caught smiling
>This is such a stupid way to think. In real life, "emotional intelligence" and reasoning ability are strongly positively correlated.
what twitter page did you read this from?
You guys are legitimately retarded...This blog is infested with immature little brats that are stuck living in their mothers basement.
I'm over this fucking website.
Veeky Forums is a disgusting disease
Wish Sergey would have backhanded this loser chump for messing with him.
It's true. You have to be a brainlet to not have the mental capacity to put yourself into the shoes of normies and guess how they reason about their emotions.
What's /piz/ ?
sergey dgaf about Veeky Forums he's trolling you anons with that shirt. fucking chuckles. he's put on weight because he's actually working really fucking hard and sacrificing his health. if there's any 30 something professional on Veeky Forums they'll tell you same. chasing that paper makes you a fat piece of shit. once LINK moons he'll focus on his personal health,
This. I will get a personal trainer once this all shakes out.
If you didnt want memes you shouldnt have taken 32 million investor dollars and then gone radio fucking silence for the next 7 months.
>36 year old man
Why? Can't you fucks just leave him alone? All you're doing is scaring away investors and normies god dammit.
Was there so much as a single piece of news or even any new information to come out of this or just these fucking cringe photos?
STFU sergey minmaxed his intelligence but lost all of his attractiveness and charisma in the process you don't know shit
Think about it. What would you do? If he smiles it means he approves of this place. When his investors ask him about it, he can either say, Oh I didn't know what Veeky Forums meant, which means he's oblivious and incompetent, or he was smiling because he approves. So think about it. He wore the shirt. That was his secret signal to us, that was his nod in our direction.
how we have failed you sergey
interesting the niglet has blonde hair, never seen one of those before
Can we finally figure out which pants he is wearing? I’m 100% serious I want the full Sergey outfit.
I know that look in his eyes. it's a man who's contemplating suicide.
Weak handed fuck. Do it.
Absolutely untrue.
Go invest in TRX if you want to be smooth talked.
He is a rugged sex symbol for market. Link is the millennial marlboro, and he is mill marl man. Its obvious.
Maybe he just doesn't know Veeky Forums desu. That or he hates that his entire persona is based on his belly here.
Marshmallow man more like
Can someone post the Saruman and Uruk-hai edit of this?
> have a conference
> coin crashes
stop having conferences
Belly is another sign of being rugged. MM doesnt give a shit.
>you can see the lower button struggle more and more with each conference as he gets fatter and fatter
fucking kek
Conferences make you fat. Its not him, its not link, its the conferences.
Dad belly is okay, but that's a slight pudge. He's a fatty.
t. Also a fatty
I reduced my stack a bit, he isnt confident.