Top culinary memes of 2016?

So, I think "truffle" is the top 2016 meme. Truffle is such a weird flavor. It basically tastes like how burnt plastic smells, yet it actually tastes delicious. Just had some truffle mac n cheese.

Also, with how expensive truffles are, how does any food company afford to have this as a flavor???

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Fuck off.

>i didn't know about truffles since 2016
>they must not have been a thing until 2016
>also I'm 12

>what are artificial flavors

What shithole are you from? Truffle was a meme like 30 years ago.

knock knock

This. All truffle oil is basically bullshit, its just some chemical that smells like truffle and found in it, one dimensional nonsense. Just buy a real truffle and shave it.

I don't know much, but I know it's been a popular ingredient for my entire life, so at least since the 80s.

I wanna say it's bahn-mi """"""inspired""""" shit. I've been seeing that trash a lot. And it's always just the normal thing with cilantro added.

sriracha, pho, and poke

f u fag0t


meanwhile a bottle of truffle oil is like 16 dollars
i'm not made of skellesheckels

Why don't people plant and farm truffles?

Takes years for them to cultivate... There is also a good chance of them not growing... They need a specific climate...

They're supposedly pretty dam hard to grow apparently.

Some people are financially responsible, user. Go ahead and call me poor for not spending hundreds on a marginally better flavor.

Wow, you've really come up with something special here.
Give truffle farming a shot and let us know how it works out.


i have always hated truffles because i used to live in an apartment above an encampment of like 19 dirty kids and their 27 oily-ass pitbulls and their combined stench was some bastard nephew of truffle and roasted garlic

like it smelled delicious, but i knew it was the collective waste and body odor of 46 unwashed animals

it still smells delicious but it just reminds me of the collective waste and body odor of 46 unwashed animals

I run a truffle supply company in NYC, lad. Nothing meme about it. Adds that perfect touch to a well-crafted dish.

Use artificial vanilla extract instead of vanilla beans in a recipe, and no one bats an eye

Use artificial truffle flavoring as an element in a dish and you're literally Hitler

And much like Hitler, truffle oil did nothing wrong

Hahaha. Definitely posting this screenshot on oogle memes for junkie teens. I doubt my pit bull and I smell anything like a truffle, maybe garlic and jizz.

which one? my buddy works for massanois and had a guy come through and hooked us up with a truffle that we put on alfredo. Was awesome.

Urbani. Might have been me or one of my guys. I've been there a few times.


This is nice.

I looked it up and it used to be a big thing in France until WWI

so I guess it can be done but people don't want to go through the trouble

Idk the truth but I saw some user say the nazis stole/lost/destroyed some of the related research.

theres alot of difficulty with it
acidity in soil has to be maintained
soil isnt allowed to get too fucking cold needs proper moisture all year round
harvesting them required either pigs or dogs to be trained to find them, and then they potentially eat them when hunting or tear them by accident

some dude in louisiana/ georgia area was transplanting them with semi success but they dont taste the same

Nice, what will you discover tommorow user? Carrot maybe?

Truffle salt is cheap. White truffle is cheaper than back truffle, fwir.

>Use artificial vanilla extract instead of vanilla beans in a recipe, and no one bats an eye
I doubt that....artificial vanilla is crap too

>White truffle is cheaper than back truffle
White alba truffle (Tuber magnatum) is around 10.000-13.000€/ kg
Black period truffle (Tuber melanosporum) around 8.000-9.000€/KG
Depending if it's a good truffle season or not

You have to inseminate a tree roots, plant it, wait 10 to 15 years, and it has a 50% failure rate.
A Frenchy had a magical solution (or maybe he bragged a lot), but it was lost during WWII. But at best he would have a high success rate and shorten the time a bit, it still would need several years and well trained dogs (they cost thousands euros)
Hitler literally is responsible for the SS raid in the Frenchy's farm.

Thanks pal.

Yeah I know its a ton of work
but at the same time with how expensive truffles are it seems worth the difficulty

Kill Yourself


>but at the same time with how expensive truffles are it seems worth the difficulty

Despite truffles being so expensive it is still actually more expensive to farm them.

This is the same reason why people don't farm elephants for their tusks. Despite the fact that ivory is so expensive it is still not financially viable.

well its been done before and it looks like its starting to be done in britain

Praise all holy Kek, brother.