What is the absolute best candy?
Chocolate does not count
What is the absolute best candy?
Mike and Ike, nigga. Blue Box is the best, but any of the others are good, too.
Its a close tie between taffy and caramels.
tootsie rolls and hot lips
Pic related. I only had these once in my life 19 years ago.
Do Tootsie Rolls count as chocolate?
ow, my tongue
I like sweetarts because they are tangy but not too tangy, they have the perfect powdered sugar consistency to either suck on slowly or just bite through if you want to taste it all at once and the flavours are good but not too good because you can't go through them like peanuts, no sir this candy has to be savoured.
There are some runers ups tho
First would be bubblegum but not just any bubblegum it has to be those balls that come Coates in a hard chewy sweet cover, like the ones you get at arcades and fairs. There is something about that coating athat keeps the gum inside dry but not stale. As soon as you bite into it you feel that crack and then you feel the dry gum immediately hitting your younger and humidifying and those first chews are the best because the gym is still dry and has some amazing texture until it finally mixes with enough saliva to feel like regular gum but then there are still crunchy lives of coating and the flavor on this gum lasts way longer
Gummies are great too and they came in all sorth of flavors and with tons of gimmicks like fruity syrup inside but nothing compares to the classic gummy bears, now there are different consistency bears and flavours and you have to find those that are chewy but not too chewy and let me tell you that's a challenge. For something as iconic as a gummy bear you would be surprised at how many manufacturers do it wrong and then it still needs that slightly artificial but not too artificial taste, a great giveaway of bad gummy bears is a 50% fruit juice tag
Dude, I fucking love rocks.
Original Fruits Skittles. That new "original" shit with green apple can get out of my face, though.
But green apple is the best of the bunch.
Hard candy ;)
Does toffee count?
Because toffee.
why do they pull this crap
the lesson from new coke wasn't
>just don't let anyone know you're changing the recipe
>made with cock
Those gummy raspberries with the crunchy outsides
Just fuck my mouth up
fuck the banana ones though
I know OP said Chocolate need not apply, but what about white chocolate? It's not really chocolate.
Remember to mix with water!
I want to enjoy white chocolate but every time I try some it just has that weird, artificial taste. And it's always way too sweet. I just wanna enjoy white chocolate brahs.
I remember hating chocolate when I was younger, but loving white chocolate. Must have been annoying for my family to deal with.
This. Licorice allsorts and salmiak are severely underrated in the land of burger.
I hate you.
Seriously, why is this shit is so hard to find now days?
Spearmint Leaves. Dear God.
arent those basically werthers?
What the fuck are these they look awesome.
Sour keys, it's in the goddamn filename.
berries are better
I love how dark and shiny the foil is. Candy tastes good, too, but that foil.
Pearson's peppermint patties
Made in Minnesota
Are these still around? Worked in a candy store for a while handling our ordering and could never find them.
Search bonz candy on amazon.
Fuck off with that
I didnt even remember those.
for me? rowntrees fruit pastilles, the best "candy" product
For me it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.
These things are fucking delicious. The only thing that keeps me from eating them all the time is that i have to import them or buy already imported ones and that shit is expensive.
And my image didn't attach. Pic related.
my nigger
spearmint leaves goat tier
Air heads
Gummi cherries
Gummi sharks
Goddamn sour gummy life savers. Jesus Christ just fuck me up
I saw these at IKEA in Taipei. Literally the greatest of all time. Does anyone know how it's called? Is it typically Swedish?
its Finnish and Swedish thing I think.
These are pretty common in Canada. Never seen them in IKEA before.
Are they sour?
yes but not super sour
fizzy pop or bubblizz, depends on producer I think