The payfair devs really did it this time, check the telegram, the lead dev John Pomelov is calling everyone a faggot...

The payfair devs really did it this time, check the telegram, the lead dev John Pomelov is calling everyone a faggot, pajeet and things like that, I'm pretty sure they will exit scam soon

Attached: QIQVnmG4_400x400.jpg (400x400, 11K)

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Reminds me of the Minereum scam.

Of course they're gona fuck it up 2 weeks before launch

No way lol pls post a screenshot

Attached: evidence.png (663x83, 10K)

lol its a fake john pomelov, he doesn't have an admin tag next to his name. Real john is sleeping right now.

>implying somebody would do this much for a shittoken nobody cares for in a bear market

believe me, this particular guy has been shitting on that chat all night.

Attached: evidence2.png (662x104, 12K)

literally anywhere is safer than holding PFR

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lol! if you really think that's the real Pomelov

even if he's not that only shows that the admins do a shitty job in removing fakes, dont they?

They're asleep

Don't believe this shit guys, his nama is BORIS & he big FAGGOT lul, he's desperate to buy cheap PFR. He already copied my telegram username along with the John username. He did it by night since he knows John sleeping, If you don't believe me check the telegram group tomorrow morning, you'll see all this Faggot Boris vanishing.

My proofs oh him being FAKE Faggot Boris

Attached: Boris.png (208x420, 18K)


Attached: 1499509745279.jpg (720x720, 56K)

the only thing I would say is that pfr need more admins to deal with shit like this since they are all sleeping.

What did he mean by this.

wtf I paid $5000 for my node

Attached: 1521068678842.jpg (336x437, 11K)

You are so fucking stupid. If you left the PFR chat it would be at least 50x better in there. What shithole country are you from anyway?

guess you threw that money out of the window :(

My proofs oh him being FAKE Faggot Boris

Attached: Boris-2.png (367x446, 83K)

>we already filled out the form
>today we will fill it again

The absolute state of John

The fact your autistic ass owns PFR has made me remove this from my watch list. Good luck pfr team. This ansi guy used to be an admin in their telegram. They obviously have poor judgement


Attached: Screenshot_20180314-204312.png (1080x1920, 162K)

you're gonna make it if you hold on to that node

My proofs oh him being FAKE Faggot Boris
don't believe that Pajeet Gay Faggot Boris. He's pissed off coz of some old abuse when he was a kido lul

Attached: Boris-3.png (373x453, 24K)

lmao desu m8

Attached: smugasfuckpun.png (771x836, 177K)

Bought 100k

Oh wow. I feel for you

@ (You)
I know you're Boris commenting on yourself luuuuul
So fucking desperate to get cheap PFR, well you won't get those, get a fucking job dick head.

literally bought ATH. hold tight bro, it'll go back higher, but you're gona be last. fucking buy another node at 10 cents and bring that average down.

>@ (You)
The absolute state of PFR holders

@PFR to the moon!

this, averaging down will save your ass

what a stratagem

He actually has autism. Spend a few minutes in telegram and it becomes obvious. It sends you through feeling pity to fits of rage reading the shit that he posts there

Boris the faggot is pissed off guys coz apparently he's so desperate to get cheap PFR, he has no other way, don't blame him guys. Like i said he's being abused so " hard " when he was a kido.

Thx, just unironically bought 100k

Boris the Faggot becomes obsessed about m " ansi09 " lul, he even makes some accounts everywhere with my username, i feel flattered being followed by cyber Faggot.

Boris The Faggot...Boris The Faggot...Boris The Faggot...Show your face you lil chunky Faggot. You scared Boris :D

>implying somebody would do this much for a shittoken nobody cares for in a bear market

Attached: 1499364072549.png (500x500, 221K)

>tfw my friend told me to buy it on etherdelta before I even knew what it was and I bought 12k at 5.5 cents
feels /comfy/

it's gonna be 2 cents in two days

stfu faggot that's the xuyen nigger who keeps calling people pajeets, he shouldn't even be an admin