I dont understand you holders. If you are so certain of another bull market eventually...

I dont understand you holders. If you are so certain of another bull market eventually, one that will make you a lot of gains then why wouldnt you sell now take profits and then reinvest when an uptrend is confirmed?

You wont sacrifice much, tou womt be stressed. Why would you hold

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dont worry user, "it will never drop below $8k again"

jesus I am so glad I went sober

I'm holding because that's the only option. Buy high, sell low is what happens when you follow your instincts. You have to do the opposite—that's the only way to make it. Unless you're a whale.


>The price will DEFINITELY go down enough to make it worth me fucking with my trezor sending 100k of BTC to an exchange, paying a shit ton in taxes, and making my bank suspicious

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You've been brainwashed by this fucked up message board.

because this is a coordinated crypto shake out, the whales will buy it all back in one long green candle and stick it up our asses for selling at bottoms

I've observed what happens here and I see people doing the opposite, so if I've been brainwashed the people who did so deserve my money frankly

because I've seen this many times
I sell low, whales buy first and when I want to buy it's higher than my previous price.

Also, I want to end my life, so when it hits 2k or 3k I can die peacefully

Because I don't give a fuck faggot. Investing more than you can lose is for chumps

how will u time the market faggot?

imagine you are still 2x your initial investment.

We are in a confirmed strong bear market now. You can either hold down form 8k to 5-6k, then eventually ride back up to 8k and beyond to new ATH.

Or you can sell now, dont even worry about buying the bottom, watch for a few months casually with no stress and wehn you see some nice green daily candles and changes in market emotion jump back on. this may or may not be around 10-12k resistence point when its broken.

i mean you bulls believe this shit will reach 30k-100k so why are you suffering downwards.

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Yes, yes he has. It's actual stupidity.

The reason bitcoin is falling is because it's useless

>i mean you bulls believe this shit will reach 30k-100k so why are you suffering downwards.
I know that I can't time the market

>why don't you buy high sell low like me

>Won't take 20 minutes to sell BTC in order to obtain 50% more BTC and thus 50% more future gains so endures 80% losses instead that may not ever be gotten back.
>Doesn't understand that sitting in fiat at least provides protection, but fuck it, sit through LOSSES.

Actual fucking retard.

Because the price isn't guaranteed to reach your retarded meme 2k or whatever and sending around thousands of dollars worth of BTC is a hassle that exposes you to security risks and forces you to pay taxes when sold.

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It's because the recoveries are giant green dildos and with my luck i'd probably sell at the bottom. It's not like a slow trend reversal where I can take my time to buy in at the sign of an obvious recovery.

Crypto market is hard to time, for no reason at all BTC can go up by 2-3k in a single day and then crash again. I've sold some small bits of BTC at highs and bought back at lows but it's a risky play.

read it again. the point isnt to time the market unless you are a genuine retard who doesn't know how to read the market at all. you wait for a confirmed uptrend and buy back in. you faggots believe this shit will reach 100k or something so why do you care about selling now and buying back in slightly more expensive at like 12-15k once resistance is broken and we are bull? Its an insignificant sum in your grand bull delusions right?

but what if it does

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hey faggot - maybe because if i sell now i will lose money? probably 95% of the people here are not in the green. in addition, every time i reload my balance i reset the capital gains counter. i need to hit 1 year on majority of my stack and trading doesnt help them, but holding counts down the days. yes im an IRS fearing cuck fuck you

>why don't you just practice the very established and well practiced trade techniques?

Same reason pajeets can't code

> you can sell now and jump back in when the 10-12k resistance is broken

That's a great way to lose 4 grand

because its down 15% in one day which is completely unsustainable

with your strategy, you will keep selling until it jumps 20% overnight, then you're gonna buy like a little trendy faggot and it will drop back down and then you will panic sell again

Then I get slightly fucked and use the money I HAVE SPECIFICALLY TO TRADE to buy the dip.

My cost basis average is fucking $450. I have over 100k in crypto. Hodling (since spring 2013) has worked for me. If I tried to trade I would have probably lost everything. Most traders do. I am going with what works.

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so you can be all stressed out till the turn around months from now, never knowing where the bottom is? Or you sell now, and maybe the bottom is 5k, maybe its 7k, who knows. but you dont buy back in till BTC is broken into 13k range and you see daily gren candles and FUD is low from governments.

You sacrifice like 5k per BTC, but apparently you bulls believe BTC will reach 100k so 5k is nothing.

not about timing to top or bottom, that is such rookie shit. its about buying in at good trend reversals or market positions. you keep looking at it from a pure dollar output ration in gains looking for maximum leverage. not always the best way.

retard.. i can 100% guarantee that 99% of biz/nessmens . pf dropped above 70%. then what the fuck point of selling at bottom

No. you are just investing blindly and showing bad technique.

I wont be looking to buy the bounce. i wont be looking to buy the bottom. You idiots are obsesed with maximizing your leverages and positions at expense of oppertunities and even your mental states. Look at all the gambling addicts on here doing bitmex on crypto, LOL. Look at all the red protfolios becase people REFUSED to take profits and skim some cream off the top at each ATH.

you are using that exact same mindset now which cost you then in the bear market.

This is what I would do. not care about bottom buying. not try buy the bounce. wait months. months. watch. research sometimes and see how the FUD is. wait for green candles on the DAILY chart for a few days. see how trends reverse and once we break a huge resistance point like 12k or 15k I would buy back in. don't have to worry about another down trend. stress is gone. and if i am a perma bull and believe in BTC reaching 100k, missing out on 5k per btc is insignificant in the bigger picture.

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So your saying sell now and buy back higher. That’s fucking retarded. This will be a little blip in the long run, why the fuck would I risk it and stress when i can just hold and not worry about the stress of dis I sel at the right time and when do I buy back in


In January I had $4000 worth of free Stellar Lumen I had applied for in 2014. I cashed half out in January, then kept $600+ worth of Lumen, and bought $300 BTC and $300 ETH. That $1200 of cryptocoins is now worth less than $600.

I'm holding, but I already cashed out a lot of money for something that took little effort. I kept half the money on the roulette table. A year ago my XLM was worth about $300, I just didn't think cashing out $150 was worth it.

Im not a hodler but your implying that another bull run isnt coming with in the next month and a half? Do you not understand how trendlines work or did you miss the negative trendline we just almost broke through?

you clearly are stressing as it is. don't lie. you are in this mess because you didn't do sensible things in the first place like selling high. why d you trust yourself. or do i misunderstand hold? is hold just what people who have no idea what to do and make bad decisions cuck themselves into just as a hail mary?

you can literally sell now, take profits(if you are red I guess not) or at least save position before we test a new low (there is 0 sign of trend reversal and the whale manipulators never give any) and then keep that as your crypto pool of cash. then buy back in when we get bullish and make mad gains still. doesnt matter if you buy back i nat 15k or 25k, apparently you perma bulls believe it will reach 100k so your profit margins will not be compromised much either way.

If you are palying with pennies it makes sense to hold. but people with 200k portfolios still WTF are you doing holding.

>buy high sell low

if you're buying in at 12k or 15k who is to say it won't just crash again like when it went to 11.8k

>TA in a bear market in crypto


only the most basic TA works in crypto. Volume and daily averages.

even then in bear market whales manipulate and wash trade so much your TA is worthless till they are done. And they wont be done for months.

Same. It’s been tough holding, but ibought a shit ton of xlm when it was six cents. Im up on my initial investment by a lot still, I’d rather not stress with day trading and moving shit around

>but people with 200k portfolios still WTF are you doing holding.
>sell high, buy back low user.

how about you acknowledge that not everybody stress as much as you do?
I haven't move my coins to an exchange for almost a year now. I don't need that money now, it's my long term extra money plan, if it buys me a house in couple years, cool.

I come here for the memes.

no one takes profits selling now that's the point

we're literally at an ATL this year

and if you're confident that it will go to 12k or 15k, then buying now would be a great long term investment

who said anything about perfectly timing the market. thats all you problem. everyone one of you faggots are obsessed with maximising profits. you are all so greedy that its cost you SO much money already. No. you dont try time the market and buy the bottom or sell the top. fucking hell.

you buy back in when sentiment is good and its overall bullish. or you sell in a bubble regularly at new ATH as insurance. you faggots never did that i would bet money on it. you all held through each ATH and refused to sell due to greed. Well now you are suffering the same stuppid mindset but in a bear market instead.

I am not confident it will at all. im talking about the bulls. thats my point. if it breaks huge resistences and market overall seems more bullish (massive resilience at 12k and 15k) then its not a bad point to get back in. getting back in under 12k is really risky.

god damn he was rekt

>Well now you are suffering the same stuppid mindset but in a bear market instead.
I can see you're the only one bitching about it.

eh, im gonna do it in the next bull market start taking profits at each ATH and before next feburary fully swap to tether because everyone will use this year as a lesson to sell
no chance am i selling this low at this point, im not stressed holding through this

I just want you faggots to sell. the sooner you do the sooner the whales will have nobody to wash trade with and things can actually start to recover.

you will sell sooner or later. Once we get towards 2k. or if the bubble started in 2015, 500 bucks.

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if it happens, I would've suggested late Nov/early Dec to cash out. If everybody gonna anticipate the crash, it will happen earlier next time.

I won't be stressed either way.

>because everyone will use this year as a lesson

this is why im not a bull. too many people have lived through this bubble now and learned. the mistakes that even lead to the bubble wont be repeated. I know it sucks. but if everyone is so wise next time around it cant work.

second chances liek that dont happen. If everyone skims the top next time and follows good practice it simply will meet extreme resistances every time it reaches a high.

Again, you're treating trading memecoins like it was real investing. It's not. I've got 10% of my money in crypto. Why would I sell if I don't think it's going much lower? To afford things I can afford anyway?

then you are sensible. you invested what you are willing to lose. congrats. I cant fault that. hope it goes well for you.

its actually a frightening picture, glad im not the only one who sees it that way

Long term capital gains, brah.

every one do that faggot. ppl start from sept/oct..etc. they will tank mid this yr if at all if we recover from this mess

because another bull market is an inevitability and i dont have a crystal ball.

fucking this desu
also, if you cant afford to lose the money dont fucking invest it

except it wont because there will always be an abundance of greedy retards
on the other hand if people see it can bounce back from this they might be less stressed

I bought bitcoins at $3 in 2011, I have held through every up and down. why would I sell now only to buy back in and raise my entry price from $3 to 10k or whatever

Might as well sell now.

BTC is going to $10 according to this trend, so 3x gains over all these years would be a waste of your time

lol $10

Read the charts you fucking baffoon.

It's obvious

youre dumb as fuck, support will come in WAY before that
the whole world will want to buy up bitcoin as it gets cheap

If it was that easy you retard everyone here would be rich. Timing the market is not as easy as (You) >implied.

I know I'm just spreading FUD because I want cheap bitcoins.

Actually 95% of the fud you see on this board is probably me

Try running the math on that retarded idea of yours and you might figure out why everybody's telling you it's retarded.

I can give you a hint if you want but let's see an honest effort first.

God people on biz are so stupid.... and i'm suppose to be the newfag (2months in)
If everyone learns now... which most unless completely retarded did
That Massive illogical bullrun wont happen
All the new traders knew is.... buy and hodl
So everyone bought, BARELY anyone sold
Meaning price kept flying higher and higher
And fomo happened
Then the sell off happened
They thought it's okay hodl, it'll just go back up
Going back up to that extreme is not promised cuck lords
People slowly learned that selling some at the 'top' is better
Buying the dip can add to your stack

Now the secret is out, this is why i have said before.... the days of ETH BTC massive bull run is over. There maybe, 1 or 2 coins that happens to pull something like a 10x
But most likely you do NOT have that coin (it wont be shilled by retards here)

Biz logic
>BTC did 20k no one expected that
>BTC will do 100k this time
>Every year is another massive bull run where 1% sell and 99% pour their money in
>I learned my lesson, now i know for the 'next one'

Pro tip: Normies learned their lesson too, guess who will be dumping on you first next time you are waiting for that moon

I'm already down 50%, if i tether up i fear ill miss the bounce. it happened last time

could set a stop limit to do this but fuck it

just fuck my shit up

Glad stevo went sober too. Nice guy

don't be such a pussy. BTC has outlived the Mt. Gox fiasco. The ATH in 2013 was ~$1200. It took 3 years to break through that, and when it did it went to $20,000 in a matter of months.

No it isn't. You can buy guns and drugs with bitcoin.

People need to start demanding that legal businesses accept bitcoin or a "white market" won't happen and growth will stagnate. A currency is imbued with value by the amount of products that can be bought with it. If the only product you can buy is other currency or illegal goods, then there will be less value.

You can already pay with bitcoin with the NFC chip on your phone, which is about as easy as a credit card. Businesses are leaving cash on the table by not accepting a tax free currency. In fact, I don't see why they shouldn't pay their employees with it.

What people really need to do is start private defense insurance agencies accepting bitcoin that will enforce the non aggression principle and usher in a new age of private law enforcement to protect the tax free nature of bitcoin. The government can regulate its own half rate economy however it likes, but we the people should and could have our own free economy and throw off our chains of enslavement by using our own currency.

These insurers would necessarily have a large amount of reserve coins for use in future arbitrations and so they would generally have it in their best interest to not partake in redustributive justice or risk losing this asset. They would also risk expendeture if they went on the offensive in any arbitration case (expropriating wealth from a person who would simply go to another insurer and sue you for the loss, leading to either military expenditures or legal fees and fines) and so law would be relegated to the defense of the individual and the security of his property. Only in a system of "consentual" democratic taxation do rulers generally have it in their best interest to undermine this concept.


I’m -90% from my ATH. The opportunity to sell has long sailed.

>Why would you hold
Every time you sell you need to add another row to this form. (for burgers)

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Wtf is going on in the pic? is that CO2?

Nitrous oxide, whipped cream gas. This shit feels AMAZING. I spent all day yesterday just hitting this over and over for the first time in a while. I don't drink or do drugs but this stuff...

sometimes shitcoins need to die
it would be too easy if every lame ass token went to the moon
we need to suffer now so the next run feels authentic

fuckin hippy crack. just seeing you talk about it makes me want to go out and buy a box.

super expensive and definitely fucks your brain up though.

you do in fact do drugs, and you do the gayest drug possible. seek help.

I read that the drug dealers have already moved onto monero.

so basically sell now, wait and rebuy at 15k, way to go

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Should I buy now? I kinda feels like it.

Did that shit one time and it's pretty gay. The high is cool and all, but it's only for like 20 seconds and then you gotta do another hit. Fuck that noise.

noone is unironically expected green dildos to 100k.

people aren't selling this moment because we are down huge in one day and when these things turn around (which can happen any moment even of just temporarily) they do so with a huge green spike of at least 1k. this is because everyone is waiting for a bottom to buy and there are tons of shorts who need to buy to close. when they downtrend is rejected a TON of money pour into BTC.

if you sell now you risk getting burned because that moment can't really be timed. at least wait for the next bull trap or short term reversal to exit a position don't sell at 7,700 right now.

and no one wants to be the new 6K cuck. I and many others would rather lose it all

>No it isn't. You can buy guns and drugs with bitcoin.

because bitcoin isn't user-friendly or convenient for white market goods.

You're an idiot. Your entire argument is based on "oh it's so stressful to be in this bear market"

So people should sell at a loss and then buy back in at a higher price later on. Think about that.

Waiting for a trend reversal makes perfect sense for new fiat money only.

Im more stressed with money in euros
Imagine britain is better off after brexit and france decides it wants.to.quit

Because everyone and their long lost cucked dads is selling now you inbred. Use some commen sense and try not to react along with all of the other mindless geese