BTC at 8k

>BTC at 8k
>ETH at 600$
>LTC at 160$

>wow crypto is dead how will anyone ever make money on this again?

It's almost as if none of you newfag niggers have been here for more than a quarter at most. Pathetic. You would've killed yourselves if you were a part of signatum or bancor.

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or maybe since btc topped out at 20k and eth at 1300 everyone here has lost atleast 50% of their portfolio from ath and is pissed

Yes, everyones a newfag

If you actually bought signatum or bancor just take the most painless route and kys.


Spoken like a retarded cuck who came here last summer and thought this was easy money

get burned faggot

i told myself I wouldn't throw anymore money into crypto but seeing everything so low is very tempting.

>everything so low
That's what biz doesn't understand. None of it is low. It's all still overpriced, even after the "crash" from 20k.

fucking 1st world problems. it might 2x it might go to 0. who cares? pls cash out when you break even if you can't take on risk. or cash out now because the ship could get sunk.

lmao who do you think you are?

this IS and has always been easy money fag, i bet you don't even know TA or have read a single WP, you were just lucky to be here early as i was

The hodl meme is making the correction/crash much slower than it should be.

I know people holding Tron and Verge for fucks sake. And they are still on top 30 coins. So there is still a long time until this fuckfest ends.

I am glad I sold everything in January. Holding is the worst financial advice I've ever seen.

But dollar cost averaging isn't that bad and if you are a terrible trader then it's better than the alternative.
The hodl meme is a huge reason I think Bitcoin is even around like it is still and why people want to buy some.

I think I'm someone who made more on bitbean than you made all year pretending to be a daytrader

this. "waaaah we got 2 more weeks of unexpected crash!"

it already blessed those who were patiently hodling

Im down 80 pct from ATH but also up 120 pct from initial. Fuck all these fags who keep seeling tho.

dude, anons are still hodling link.


im hodling 400+ zcl and btcp on bittrex and i still need to reset my 2fa but im kinda numb to it all now...~~~

You are a gift. A wonderful gift to this planet op.

Kisses and stay blessed. Godspeed through the blood of wonders

Bitch I have a fud thread for jibrel going on /r/buttcoin going on right now and I'm talking to a nigger there that had his life savings tied up in ETH and he sold at $3


This stupid nigger would be a multi, multi millionaire but he sold at $3.

Not holding is the only way you can ever lose money in crypto

>i bet you don't even know TA

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>Not holding is the only way you can ever lose money in crypto

Does it even have a use as currency then? If not, what's propping the price up?

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Maybe link was a mistake. That newfaggot with a biz sign wtf does he think we fucking like being here? That we are so proud we'd choose to publicly broadcast it to the world? He's ruining our one shot to get the fuck out this hell hole. I vote doxx that faggot and anyone else who tries another stunt like that I want the make, model, color and license plate number. They'll have all tires slashed once a month until LINK is over $1k. FUCK HUM.

is this you?


Not if you held til January, have you looked at the chart? It may have utterly died as a meme but it didn't end up doing to bad

You're a retard who probably came here from /b/ for the first time and doesn't understand the first thing about economy. If you weren't you'd know crypto has such a microscopic amount of actual money it you can't say it's overpriced.
Do you even know what derivatives are? Do you know what their total mcap is? No. So shut up and fuck off back to /v/eddit.