I am 31, I've got 20K in the bank, I live in NYC.
Should I move out my parents home finally or should I keep saving and investing in crypto.
I am 31, I've got 20K in the bank, I live in NYC.
Should I move out my parents home finally or should I keep saving and investing in crypto.
What's your net worth?
hey bro, im the same age and live with my parents too. keep saving and invest wisely.
>investing in crypto
Thanks for buying my bags, sweetie.
I’m 20 and have more money in the bank then u, haha
Who am I kidding, I’m larping. I’m an even bigger loser than u
I'm from NYC too.
M8 you and I both know you can't afford to move out of your parents house. Not here anyway.
Your mom washes out your fleshlight. It might be time to consider moving into an apartment.
if you are 31 and living with parents you should have way more than 20k , it's not like you have to pay rent or something
I made the tremendous error of being a NEET for years after college
>M8 you and I both know you can't afford to move out of your parents house. Not here anyway.
I wish single family houses didn't cost fucking 800k. I don't want to live in a shit apartment with shitty illegal Mexican neighbors. My gf lives in Jackson heights and she complains all the time
I hate that you're right. I thought about buying a house and renting out for income but I can't even get a shit house in a gang related neighborhood.
living with your parents is not that bad if you use it as an opportunity to save money
don't be like those normies who scoff at the idea of living with their parents but their bank accounts are stuck in the triple digits for months at a time.
I'm from NYC too. Who /meetup/ here?
Brooklyn reporting in
im about an hour outside of the city
y-you guys wanna hang out :(
Lol I'm from Brooklyn as well
Haha fucking pathetic, I’m 19 and work at a fast food joint, already making 200k a year working the fryer
I’m bout to turn 30 similar cash reserves, been living on my own though for a while. Was neet too, no regrets though.
I'm from Queens, but I'd never meet up anyone from Veeky Forums.
I live by Sheepshead bay if any of you fucksticks want to hang out. I've met so many people on this website IRL over the years I don't care anymore. I've gone on dates with landwhales from /r9k/ and made close friends from /mu/. my throwaway email is [email protected].
What’re 4chin people like irl
wtf you can get landwhale pussy off this site?
Has it ever been worth it?
>should I keep saving
>and investing in crypto.
im moving back home after living alone for years. fuck rent out here.
lol someone reverse this meme with the mcdonalds wagecuck laughing at a cryptokid
Everyone goes on Veeky Forums. I've met coworkers who I clicked with and then it turns out they browse /x/ or some shit. Instant bond. My 3 best friends I met on /mu/ and we lived in the same hood the entire time before we met. The landwhales are most definitely not worth it, though.
In all seriousness though I cant wait to get the absolute fuck out of this city. Just fucking nuke it, start from scratch.
I had to live in nyc for several months, was a nightmare. Can’t imagine doing it voluntarily desu. What job did you get after neetdom?
lmao 16 year old here making 550k as a part time manager at star bucks. You even trying?
user source pls lmao
Move outta NYC
Can't, got a job in civil service nao, probably can't transfer out of state
>civil service
What did he mean by this
I am middle management bureaucrat for the NY city government
legalize weed so everyone here can stop being miserable fucks.
Lol no way, what branch exactly? I work for the Department of Transportation and my father works Sanitation
Are you military? If not, fucking quit. Move upstate, where it's more affordable. GTFO NYC you retard. Doesn't seem like you have the drive to thrive in that landscape. It's time to move.
Damn that’s kind of poetic you work for the very people who make ny state suck desu. NYC is a trap. Fuck. At least you have healthcare and shit.
Keep accumulating crypto until the next bull run starts, and when it's over in early 2019 you'll have way more than 20k.
Start paying rent somewhere once the bulls are running.