Who else here gives 0 fucks?
Who else here gives 0 fucks?
me because I only put in like 8k and thats chump change, I wouldn't even approach a table at the casino without at least 10k
Yeah who gives a fuck it's only money why the fuck should I care when I'm losing thousands of dollars of my own money? lol only a fucking faggot would care about something as lame as financial stability, fuck that faggot I just don't give a fuck
And how long have you been holding? Exactly. You aren't losing thousands of dollars, until you cash out, thousands under your initial investment.
>buys in December
>I'm a long-term BTC holder, mom!
Lol, this is STILL nothing compared to 2014
Don't put money you actually care about. This is gambling.
Just remember the two golden rules of high risk investment:
You dont take a loss until you sell
You already lost your money when you bought
lol did you buy in Dec?
>financial stability
>in crypto
when we're saying don't put in money you can't afford to lose we're not just memeing user
Exactly this. Its gambling. Don't fool yourselves into thinking it isn't.
I know a thing you can invest into, you can instantly double your return, but its 50/50 if it happens. Actually, when I say it like this, it sounds tempting.
We dropped to $6k because of genuine FUD to worry about, an SEC meeting. We dropped for no real reason recently, I don't expect it will drop more. Don't sell low.
dive coasters have some of the best excitement factors and potential of all coaster types, but is severely under optimized (low feature usage)
prove me wrong
>Depending on crypto for financial stability
You weren't going anywhere with that kind of mental handicap anyways
The meeting went horrible those boomers are very angry and us whipper snappers and our digital securities
this guy fucks
his bank account
Was 2014 worse?
Got 53 XMR and I do not give a flying fuck. Shit is in cold storage.
cold storage bitches no fucks here
Holding only 500 usd worth of crypto, so don't actually give a fuck about it.
mfw nocoiner and still waiting for the perf moment to buy
this past year of my life has been absolute hell and the worst year of my life. The silver lining? I'm fucking over it. I truly dont give a fuck anymore. I have been to hell and back and i'm still here. I discovered crypto at the right time in my life. I'm diving into this with zero anxiety fear or doubt. Its my turn and I'm going to lambo town boys
Meh, I’ve seen worse. I now only have 50 times what I invested in fiat, instead of x100 a few months ago so that helps.
It's literally not gone you still have the btc just wait you idiot
only have around $1400 usd in a couple of alts so it means fuck all long term if I lose it all
Also, I guess it helps to have a strong hold mentality. Either crypto brings an end to fiat shitcoins, or it crashes and burn to 0. I’m holding until one these scenarios becomes true.
I mined XVG when it was one satoshi. It currently trades at 369. I don't give a fuck.
you lost that money the second you confirmed your buy through cuckbase.
cashing out is a meme
Me towards the middle
With you niggas all the way.
Is my stash a completely retarded percentage of my overall net worth? Of course.
Is my stash worth anything to me before it hits the level required for total financial freedom? No. I'm here for millions or bust.