The stronger IPAs make malt liquor taste like bitch water.
Is there anything stronger than a strong IPA (9.5%)? Tell me about it and where to find it.
The stronger IPAs make malt liquor taste like bitch water.
Is there anything stronger than a strong IPA (9.5%)? Tell me about it and where to find it.
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I usually have a couple IPAs with dinner and then just switch to straight vodka (40%, if you weren't aware).
Not sure why you'd ever drink malt liquor if you appreciate decent beer.
Go find a place that sells dogfish head 120 if you want IPA. Its between 18-20% abv but its $10 a bottle. If you like strong imperial Stout, old Rasputin, Sierra Nevada Narwahl and Oskar Blues Ten Giddy fit the bill snugly.
Hops have ruined beer. I live in Portland which is one of the meccas of craft breweries and these niggas cant help themselves but to put it in everything. Hops can be a tolerable change in pace and complex, like a single malt scotch might be - but one is more than enough. Barley wine is beer that hangs around the 10-14% mark.
>people who don't like beer once again complaining about beer made by and for people who do like beer
A lot of imperial stouts will be in the 10-18% range. Exactly what and where to find it depends on where you live.
>I usually have a couple IPAs with dinner and then just switch to straight vodka
Well yeah that will do it... been trying to stay away from straight spirits though.
That sounds strong as fuck. Will try if I can.
I used to have that opinion along with most of Veeky Forums but I've drank so much IPA now that I start to crave the pine. It's so fucking intense tasting that you kind of get addicted to it (depending on your personality). And it's strong. Which means fun.
Really? I've been drinking pic related at only 8.5% and enjoying it, maybe I should find some more Imps.
Couple IPAs with dinner user here.
The thing about big beers around the 10% abv range is that they tend to overwhelm the palate, so after a couple it's kind of difficult to appreciate them, at least in my opinion.
The way they get a higher ABV is by adding more fermentables to the mash (malts), which means they tend to end up adding more hops/adjuncts in the long run in order to end up with a balanced beer, the end result typically being big and complex. I kind of think of it like how people only serve nice wine for the first bottle, and then switch to table wine after that.
Anyway, I had a bomber of pic related earlier tonight. Currently nursing a handle of Seagram's vodka.
Why is all that bud laid out in front of the beer?
Didn't they change the name to, "America"?
You mean the hops? While almost identical to marijuana flowers hops aren't quite bud. They are buds though.....
Ah fuck it, beer is drinkable weed. I came to peace with that a long time ago.
Isn't hops and pot from the same lineage?
As easy as it would be to look up, I'm just going to throw out there that hops grow on a vine.
I've always thought of color as correlating with alcohol content, so to me it's stouts that are obviously strong and multiple IPAs that are a weird outlier.
Anyways, a stout under 9-10% is pretty low-alcohol for its kind. For beer in general, you can definitely get up to 40-50% by freeze-distilling it, but by that point you're paying a shitload for a beer that's abandoned good taste for other goals.
>people who think an ass blast of hops is the only form of beer
I prefer malty, dark, sours, wheat and belgium style beers. I do drink IPA but some use too much or use it in beers like lagers where its not really neccesary. Its just over done and part if it is that part timers like yourself feel like you are in a special club.
Abbey Tripels range from 8-12% and they are bleak as the sun.
Depending on where you live, I would go with Dogfish Head's Palo Santo Marron or Boulevard's Bourbon Barrel Quad. Both are 12% and available year-round, but they'll run you ~$15 for a 4-pack.
IPAs suck and all taste like the same over hopped shit.
Look for scotch ales among the selections that smaller breweries offer. Those commonly break 10% but don't be surprised if they sort of taste more like jet fuel than beer.
Guinness is dark as fuck but is only 4.3% in the US. There are pilsners with higher alcohol content.
atlas 16% gets me fucking rekt
three to four of the 500mls you'll be smashed
tastes like putrificated death tho but it's cheap
Gulden Draak. It's a dark Belgian ale that's around 10% ABV. I get a bottle around Christmastime every year. There are probably stronger beers but even at around 9-12% you're pretty much pushing the limit of where beer should be. Too much and it'll taste like shit.
>Look for scotch ales among the selections that smaller breweries offer.
Scotch ales are delicious.
IPAs aren't worth it.
they make your body odor horrible. your sweat literally smells like a skunk. the beer tastes horrible. just move up to wine.
I'm right there with you. Even the very best breweries here in MI have at MINIMUM 40% of their craft offering as some form of IPA.
Fuck you.
Gulden Draak is some good shit. I love triples.
You're thinking of Draught, which is actually 4.2%. Extra Stout in the US is 6%
World Wide Stout by Dogfish head hovers around 17%. A fresh batch just hit stores this year.
Why does something with a cork come with a bottle cap opener?
The cap lifter is a superfluous detail. That object is first and foremost a plug you can use to re-seal the bottle if you don't plan on drinking all of it at once.
the company bottling the beer wanted a plug to go with it. That plug happened to have a built-in cap lifter.