Meanwhile at bizarro Veeky Forums

Meanwhile at bizarro Veeky Forums...

People are posting quality content about creative cooking.

I love America! It has a wonderful food culture!

For me it's anything but the McChicken

For me, it's the fillet-o-fish. The best fast food sandwich.

That Jack really knows what he's doing in the kitchen!

New /slg/, Satisfying Life General up! Gee, isn't it great not to have normalized routine substance abuse to cope with chronic problems and then reinforce this behavior with like 20 other people sharing similar sentiments and behavior, all on a fucking cooking forum? I sure do love being a healthy adult!

>ja/ck/ is godtier chef in every universe

really makes you think

The McChicken is the worst fast food sandwich and it is not for me.

do americans really not eat this?

Wow, this board sure has great moderation and the beat content in all of the chans!

I enjoy eating food from restaurants run by minorities

It sure is nice to have a board that's not filled to the brim with regurgitated /int/ and /pol/ memes

I think these vegans have the right idea!

Anyone see Gordon's new video?
He's got to be the worst cook I've ever seen.
Id pay money to watch jack chew him out

Boy I sure do miss the Aussie posts! They were always original in content and informative and constructively contributed to the board.


>I am so le damaged xD
I really hope you decide to drunk drive one night and wrap yourself around a tree.

Nope, that's not a meme

Fuck off.

Yes! We actually do that!


I'm mocking them, retard. They're fucking subhuman.

why aren't you carnivores yet? it's morally superior and much better for the environment

Man, fast food sure is silly. I'm glad I'm in a board of people who actually engage in culinary arts.

I love making my own food and don't eat fast food!


This isn't a pizza


Of course not, it's a chi' pi'

Fuck off.

Jack is such a good cook, I used his recipe for corn dogs and they came out perfectly.

I also love everyone on this board. We should all go get some American fast food together.

Hey cu/ck/s,

I remember seeing a concise, agreed-upon carbonarra recipe. Would like to have it for dinner tonight, can anyone get me that recipe?

Wow, I'm so glad this board isn't full of fatties and alcoholics!

god i fucking hate nips

Does anyone remember that flyover meme? Can we bring that back?

It's nice to see a bunch of deep fried butter enthusiasts get together and talk about it once and awhile.

Also, that burger recipe being passed around is the best. Adding egg and breadcrumbs does make a fine burger. It doesn't stay together otherwise.

Fuck off.


You're a bitter asshole

Kill yourself

People "fly-over" us here in New York to taste the varied cuisines of Indiana, Iowa, and Missouri. Feelsbatman.jpg

They fly over you because last time they managed to hit two buildings.