>tfw you open blockfolio.
Tfw you open blockfolio
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Is that real? I really hope that’s not real :(
is he ok
user i...
of course it's real n00b
threads on pol and r9k
It's very real user.
Yeah he's fine, he's recovering in the hospital now, he only needed stiches and a blood transfusion.
oh for fuck sakes I am going to hell for laughing at this shit
can we get a pinkjack edit of this guy
I wonder what he was reincarnated to. Kind of shitty to do that to your mom.
this guy is a fucking cunt. blows his own head of for his mum to find seconds later.
i don't want to watch. can someone give a little detail? not too graphic please. i;m a little girl
maybe she should've been a good mommy and made him happier. fucking bitch deserves it
Not enough blood
yeah... its fake user..
For fucks sake user leave the mom out of it
the big long hard barrel delivered a huge load right into his face
spaghetti everywhere
Full vid with sound and mom crying. Enjoy anons!
My favorite part is the big chunk of hathead that bounces off the wall
nice eraser work on the top half of the face
I wonder what that feels like. Having your brain instantly destroyed. I mean does shit just go dark immediately. Do you see a real bright light.
what did you mean by this
its only smellz
i'm convinced that one's sinuses are going to be momentarily unbelievably uncomfortable when this kind of shit is carried out, like imagine having a fist not just smashing into but through your nose before it started mutilating your ability to perceive anything at all
I bet in the few nanoseconds before your actual death time slows down a million times and you have a psychedelic trip
your dmt is activated in your pineal gland or something
what you see depends on what your life aws like and your beliefs
you may see god, gods, angels, entities, or something like that
Pain signals travel relatively slowly, and the conscious perception of them can be delayed, particularly with high adrenaline.
man fuck that kid for going out like that.
That crying bitch was annoying as hell. I mean if you are really that upset maybe stop attentionwhoring and get off the call. Are all women worthless?
>time slows down a million times
Time doesn't slow down. Your perception of time does.
What was the r9k thread like when this happened?
Yeah he did it today. Him mother walks in about 5 minutes later and finds him and complains "There is meat everywhere"
what the fuck did she really say that
yeah thats what I meant obviously
holy shit what the hell i just come here for pepe and wojak
Wouldn't a gunshot be quick enough to prevent any of those chemical reactions from taking place?
I don't think you'd feel or hear anything. Just like pressing an off switch.
At one point. The poor lad even put up a tarp so he wouldn't make much mess.
You can hear her on the phone with the 911 operator. The operator is keeping her on the line asking questions and the mom does say it at one point.
why woudnlt you feel or hear anything in the moment of your death? doesnt make any sense
death is like the most significant part of your entire life, other than your birth
anyway I believe in life after death because the only constant in this universe is change
I'm excited for my next world and what lies beyond the veil
Always wondered what would happen right after we go.
Fuck suicide. His mom is probably going to kill herself now too. What a chump he was. It gets hard for everyone.
It must be hard on the parents. If I ever do it, it would be after they're gone. Suicide fucking sucks.
t. literal autist
Guy panicked when this shit happens once a month. Keep on hodling!
i might have offed myself by now if not for lil bro and dad
and man, fuck doing it like that at home...mom's gonna be scarred for life
98% chance this guy's dad was already dead or simply absent
>why woudnlt you feel or hear anything in the moment of your death?
Because there's a delay in sensation, think of being poked with something. The brain needs time to process signals, send chemicals, and 'you' need time to perceive them. Which, I think, a gunshot to the head would fuck up because everything just gets turned to mush instantaneously.
Glad that society is rid of this shitstain. Hopefully he survived for a bit to feel the pain.
Where do i find a full video?
I too believe that suicide will force a reincarnation as suicide seems like an escape but to be punished, the universe forces you back to this planet in either another form or as a human made to relive your life until you learn the lesson you original was born here to learn.
unlikely, he did a fine job eliminating much of the pertinent region of skull
get rid of this shit. enough already.
Why not post the full video with the mom walking in seeing her kids headless body and later lost for words talking to the police.
when a car crash happens or some other extreme situation your entire body reacts differently
there are stories of people who have experienced weird things, like 2 seconds being in mid-air while their car was flipping being in slow mo
or a mother rescuing her child with strentgh she never had
One less mexicant in Minnesota
Can someone post some sauce already
retard his pineal gland is blown the fuck all over his moms roof
he isn't having any trip. its not like he slowly died from a wound or something lmao
his head is literally spread out across the room. he isn't having any dmt trip
The electrical impulses in your brain are faster than the bullet.
It's true that for all pragmatic purposes "the lights go off" but your perception of time in that moment could feel like an eternity.
>anyway I believe in life after death because the only constant in this universe is change
You truly are a brainlet
That's unfortunate.
Thanks Joe Rogan
I'll take that as a compliment.
Thank you.
Fuck off user. Anyone who commits suicide is a selfish and inconsiderate little bitch. When my best mate's friend offed himself, he was pissed at him for it, and he had a right to be. When you off yourself, you put you and whatever it was you were whining on about above your friends and family and you force them into a shitty guilt spiral, as if somehow they should have been able to stop you from being a weak little shit when 9/10 times you never even told anyone that they would soon be scooping up your wasted brain matter from the walls. Fuck off with this bullshit.
For the 3th time delete this
It should serve as an example for all the melodramatic cunts on this forsaken board constantly bringing up how badly they want to commit suicide. Makes a good newfag and Reddit deterrent, too.
good grief user
Christ almighty, fucking mods do something for once!