>Link was always a 2019 play

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>FEAR 0.00000
Thanks just bought 100k

Oh dear this has been the best

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Can you imagine the inane shit he had to hear from that idiot who demanded the photo?
>hahaha sergey everyone on biz says it's going to $1000 eoy, it was foretold in the 7777777 get, lol! you think it's gonna get there right? oh shoot, wait i have to write out a timestamp give me a second. haha ok we're ready, say 'my linky stays super stinky, 1000 eoy!!'

Exactly. How fucking embarrassing for everyone involved.
Anyone who even thinks of mentioning Veeky Forums in real life needs to kill themselves. You should be ashamed to be posting here. Even those retards who use Veeky Forums memes on Twitter make me cringe.

100% agree they need to fucking off themselves, imagine the fucking pathetic losers they are holy SHIT I get the same feeling as I get when I gaze into the vast nothingness of the starry heaven when I think about how unfathomably fucking retarded those guys must be holy FUCK

You can never tell what they're thinking.

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Fucking stupid indeed. Wtf is wrong with this shit bags.

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>"stinky linky on 3"
>austist screeches "STINKY LINKYYYYYYYY"
>sergey's face when

>Neutral, sad, and contemptuous

>No fear
>No happiness

fucking dying here

wtf... link to vid?

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there is no vid, just a pic and a lot of autist imagination

Do you happen to have said picture in your possession?

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Kek. What's the unshooped version is like tho

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Read info from somebody with some sense that actually attended. It is archived. Looking to add to stack.

8351287 Sergey Talk AMA: Just saw Sergey Talk at SXSW, then proceeded to get drunk in his honor. It was epic…

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read nietzsche and evola

people pop culturize everything and for people like us pop culture and their perverse and cheap and pathetic obsession with “money and status” really shows how empty they are since all they can do is default to tropes instead of being genuine


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what if i genuinely enjoy autistic Veeky Forums memes? are you saying i should only enjoy it ironically?


i seriously doubt anyone on even on /pol/ has actually read evola. he's very hard to read and understand

I enjoy Veeky Forums memes a lot, but I keep them on Veeky Forums, or sometimes I will let something slip to my close friends only

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Veeky Forums started as a place for smartfags to pretend they were stupid. Somewhere along the way actual idiots started showing up.

no thats why Veeky Forums memes are funny, they are an interplay of that

and the fedora tippers and ones making fun of me for reading evola for ((pretending)) im smart are just as pretensious as the commies they claim to hate that they see prostrating before their god (“social status - tv”)

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stop harassing the fatman

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Maybe link was a mistake. That newfaggot with a biz sign wtf does he think we fucking like being here? That we are so proud we'd choose to publicly broadcast it to the world? He's ruining our one shot to get the fuck out this hell hole. I vote doxx that faggot and anyone else who tries another stunt like that I want the make, model, color and license plate number. They'll have all tires slashed once a month until LINK is over $1k. FUCK HUM.

God I feel so sorry for him. He doesn't deserve this.

Wtf which one is the real one

This is my new fave meme

what the fuck—
NEVER show this to sergey, you creepy lunatics. Taking a picture with him is one thing—even if he doesn't look too impressed about it—but an edit like this might rightfully make him actually start feeling freaked out by us.
If you do something like that, people will DEFINITELY find out who you are—ESPECIALLY if you attempt to cost them the singularity, or simply keep harassing the guy who's delivering it—POTENTIAL MILLIONS—right to your doorstep. Don't be an idiot.

Not a bad idea

Thanks just sodl 100k

Thanks, sent 100k copies to Sergey

>mfw Veeky Forums autists cuck me out of a price singularity

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ride the tiger mutha fucka. I have Evola's entire library. Reading Evola and Paul Foster Case in Tandem helps me think outside the box and draw a path from history(TA).

Maybe he just wanted to accumulate more

Top fucking kek

I once said “pool’s closed” in public at an odd time not even thinking about it. Someone knew what it meant and gave me such a look. You almost fucking exposed me, kid.
From now on I keep my spaghetti wrapped up tight.

Go on


Well I hope he doesn't see this one!

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please accept this meme kek

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we are memeing ourselves into a holocaust / singularity.

>being this assblasted
you’re on fucking Veeky Forums get a grip


>he's very hard to read and understand

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