
>Helel ben Shahar

Papal Bloodlines

Jesuit Council

Council of 13
>Farnese/delle Rovere
>Este Estence

House of Windsor
Elite Bankers - Financial Advisors to the Queen & Master Keyholder to the Vatican Bank

Council of 33
>Vatican Cardinals
>Master Scottish Rite Masons
>Highest Knights Templar
>Highest Knights of Malta
>" " York Rite
>" " Ordo Templar Orientis
>" " Priory de Sion

Council of 300
>all the way down here is where the "feared" Rothschilds are

Satan -> Black Pope -> White Pope -> Queen of England

Only those 3 have direct contact with Satan. Francis is the first jesuit White Pope. Black Popes are all jesuits. The third temple will be built during Francis' reign. The mark of the beast currency system will be implemented. Satan will reveal himself to all and sit on the throne of David. This will all happen during Francis' reign.

you dont know the half of it.

Attached: Screenshot_20180220-191132.jpg (978x1252, 530K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Ok but who's the thot?

So you're telling me to short Christianity?

Nah fuck that who's the guy in the back?

>Ok but who's the thot?
Loll mein nigga

kys you prod tinfoil hat cunt

No homo but thats a sexy trap OP. Just one problem though, its not asian.

Attached: n64-perfect-dark-usk18.jpg (800x584, 123K)

your satan is actually dajjal

>you dont know the half of it.
go on then, i'm interested, tell us about satan.

And here in the long line of protestant wankers who needed to justify Elizabethan religious genocide, the destruction of the monasteries and henry the 8th being a psychopathic axe murderer is a cunt replete with crap harvested from the modern extension of that long tradition of utter bullshit the da Vinci codes. A load of bollix fronted by tom hanks that nonetheless so influenced OPs retarded ancestral genes that he spewed his shit into this thread.

Protestantism. Such a failure it became the secular state.

suspicious absence of bergs and steins from that list

So whats going to happen? I've heard about the 42 months thing. And what about Trump?

what does tom hanks have to with this?

committee of 300 is where they sit

italians > jews? who'd've thought. tell us more gimme some links to read.

The virgin scholastic eunuch (you) vs the CHAD Calvinist-Ubermensch (me)

Nice conspiracy theory you stuttering pothead

jesuits > jews

>Ooo vey, no no not us, it's the (((catholics)))

No list is right, move along user

Thanks just exorcised 100k

Repent or burn in hell.

cool bro but why aren't you telling me more and giving me links to read

So you are saying Calvinists are gibbering idiots?

>u...ur dumb!
Go back to sucking dick, "friend".

>believing in the lies of the demiurge

>Triangle face
>Not proportional

1/10 fugly whore. Wouldn't bang.


Quick rundown on the jesuits?

Because it's /pol/ lite that's just searching for (You)'s. It's no different from those that constantly shill 'le taxman daily reminder' or thot or flavor of the week threads.
He's not trying to convince you. It's just some edgy bastard venting or false flagging.

Trap or not, still hot. Sauce?

or you can just google the names I posted and DYOR. I spent year researching this why would I spoonfeed. If anything this is anti /pol/ since they still thinks Rothschilds and jews are at the top.

Read up on Marshall McLuhan and Thomas Pynchon, if you're serious.

That's a goddess! Who is she??

tacking it on at the end doesnt negate the fact you're a homosexual newfag ;)

he just gave you a bunch of shit to google

Darude - Sandstorm

I went to a Jesuit highschool. Interesting.


>spent years copypasting this from bibliotecapleyades and blog posts and BBS threads

don't think either of those fellows are going to tell me anything about black nobility or jesuit councils

I know this girl...she goes to UCLA lol..why the fuck are you virgins posting pictures of her on Veeky Forums. \

I actually get to talk with her while you pimply nerds fantasize about what her hair might smell like.

She uses dove shampoo fuckers.

Nah, Catholicism retard.

Picture was taken at Rosa Bonheur in Paris (there are 2, one on a boat near Eiffel Tower, 2nd in Buttes Chaumont park)

Girl either works (or worked) there, or was just a patron of the bar (Rose Bonheur is a known meat-market at night).

Also, I have no idea why the fuck most of you weebs prefer asian chicks to white women. I mean LOOK at her.

shes 26 and lives in moscow. nice larp you fat fuck

Hardly white looks like shes got some corsican or north african in her

Her name is Aygul Galimullina

Its Diana

Hee's her IG

Bushy eyebrows0/10 would not bang

She's got some african in her twice a day.