That's it, I fucking cashed out.

This shit is FINISHED and it'll never recover.
Normies are leaving and afraid of crypto now, HODLtards will hold their bags to their fucking graves.

I had to save as much as possible because this crypto shit is going to die PERMANENTLY.


Attached: b83.png (630x420, 175K)

Bye user. Thanks for playing

Pump it

Attached: oold5ygcwlcy.jpg (540x378, 34K)

cyaa but u know what

u can never leave

and will always wonder what if? what if i wasnt a pussyboy back then?


Attached: DX-BE53WkAADlVs.jpg (557x423, 41K)

if you sold why are you here? You have no reason to care what us baggies are doing, unless of course you aren't 100% certain in your decision to sell

Because I want to fucking help you you retarded bag holding redditor

>le hodl meme xD

Either short, day trade or GTFO


upvoted for visibility!

Sorry grandkids, I could've been a millionaire if I wasn't such a faggot and held.

I knew this would happen months in advance. I even tried to warn you but you didn't listen.

Attached: bogdanoff 4.png (600x639, 179K)

this is a board about business not just crypto

go away then you ugly fuckin niggerjew

good job im shorting, this shits going below 6k by the weekend, and guess what. Its friday tomorrow for half of the world....

Hahahahahhahahahaha. Ha.
Sold at the bottom. Emotional cuck.

Not permanently. BTC will go down to 1-1.3k and stay there for 2-2.5years. Then we‘ll have the next bull run.

Crypto will come back, it has big potential. You fucking kids are just too inexperienced to know growth cycles. For the next months this whole market will be a burning pile of garbage with accelerated downwards direction.

If you need the money cash out NOW, if you‘re a rich lazy fuck who doesnt need to care you can just continue hodling for couple of years.


>I'm posting here on the absolute armpit of the internet because I want to help

>selling before the dip is over
Get out of here OP

>the dip is over


True support is at 6500. Price is irrelevant if you believe in the tech.

>i don't care about losing everything, i was in it for the tech!!!

Attached: 1513751543149.png (403x448, 56K)

I invested an amount that I could literally burn and not have it matter in the slightest.
You didn't invest more than you could afford to lose right?

If you have the attention span of a fly you won't make it.



what u retards dont understand is tech will take the price back to new heights thats why so many people are saying that fucking bottomseller cuckold

>I sold, guys
>you sell too, so that my move was correct
You never gonna make it, OP

I can't believe OP sold XD

This is where we bounce upwards

Attached: png.png (1436x828, 259K)

I'd be down way, way under my initial if I hadn't cashed out 80% on January 28th.

Only have NEO for NEX and a few ICO tokens that aren't unlocked yet right now.

oh shit, we're back!

Enjoy hodling that stock

Why sell now? it's gonna make a low volume climb before the next dump.

hello sir u still here watching green candles

Thanks for your sacrifice OP

>I had to save as much as possible
and by this you mean sell low after buying high

Thanks for advice! Will sell it asap.

Attached: index.jpg (225x225, 8K)

it's back over 8000! just a little! HAHA you fucked up we're going back to 20k . bet.

It's pampin

Thank you OP for your sacrifice. We will continue without you. You will probably buy back in because you are cuck.


this unironically, there will be more to come
mark my words, but this bounce might have potential
enjoy the green for now faggots, just don't expect a 2017 bull run
this will be short lived....

>He sold
Pump it

Attached: 1520921834547.png (1072x715, 934K)

Don't be stupid, this might be the last chance to sell above 8k before the next massive dump.

We will go up one leg more for sure. Pumps and dumps like these never go alone. I'll sell after the next pump anyway


Veeky Forums grew considerably in 2016 to 2018, we have gained a huge audience. 7 years ago when i was in high school the jocks and geeks talked about Veeky Forums boards. Now it's grown even more.

i've been here for 10 years. well not on this board obviously, but Veeky Forums in general.

Same here, I bought a small stack at 8.4k thinking that 8.3k and 7.8k supports would be too strong for bears. It really does look like this is heading for 6k now though so I'm riding these green dildos as far as they take me before selling.