>But now altcoins matured
Yet another gullible faggot racing for the Gullibility Grand Award.
If you think cryptos are little more than speculative assets, then there's no difference between BTC and any crypto, except your personal opinion.
The only consistent difference can only be some add-on making it more than a speculative asset. Smart contracts are smart in the only sense they make the related crypto useful for more than speculations and drugs.
Yet what you label "maturity" is indeed named "critical mass" - aka, people trusting it no matter what. Currently less than half a dozen (including BTC) have more than a critical mass.
This is why it's so funny to browse Veeky Forums to laugh at underaged shills babling about some new Distrupting Blockchain Mooning Soon.
Sorry to redpill you, $RANDOMFAGGOT, but every gullible moron willing to shell out real money to make you cash out some pennies, already shelled out and pinkwojaked hard.
Oh, yet another Gullibility Champion who doesn't know that if he can dump his bags at any second, whales already did it any second before.
Also, cashing out means there has to be someone willing to buy your bags...You have to hope your panicking happens in the exact moment someone more stupid than you heroically decides to buy in.
There's no actual reason for big names to push for some value.
First, because if anyone of them decides to cash out something big, as soon as he's starting to clear the book of the exchanges the value will dip. Pushing for some value - aka calibrating own buy & sell strategy towards that - basically means they go against their own interest.
Second, because real money comes from speculation: sell high, buy low, no matter the high and low values. A real whale will gain both from $8 and $8K. Speculators are happy with the oscillations in the value, not with the intrinsic value.
This is why I use the gullible term to define those who "HODL no matter what".