Bought cilantro and made pico de gallo for the first time today because I live a very sheltered life

>Bought cilantro and made pico de gallo for the first time today because I live a very sheltered life
>Hmm Veeky Forums told me it tastes like soap to a small portion of the population
>Try some as I'm chopping
>It tastes exactly like soap
>Ask Mom to try some
>She also says it tastes like soap

I mean after you add the tomatoes, onion, spices, and lime juice it's bearable but I feel like I've just been diagnosed with Type II diabetes. Damn it all..

People say it tastes like soap like it's a bad thing? I mean oregano tastes like christmas trees but people still enjoy it.

The key is to not use very much. cilantro is very easy to overdo.

Uh, no. Assuming you aren't one of these genetically inferior soap-tasting fags, coriander can't be overdone. I can eat plain coriander leaves and enjoy the taste, it's refreshing (not that I do it often).

No. Some people literally have genetics that make cilantro/coriander taste like soap. There's nothing you can do about it.

What does it taste like to people for whom it doesnt taste like soap? I mean, approximately

is it similar to parsley?

And yeah i have eaten cilantro my whole life so i have come to enjoy the soap taste, pico de gallo is great

>People say it tastes like soap like it's a bad thing?
Who the fuck wants to eat soap? you know thats used as a punishment for children that swear, right? soap in the mouth because it tastes fucking awful.

oregano tastes nothing like pine.

Apparently it tastes "citrusy"

>Apparently it tastes "citrusy"

huh, weird

now im imagining pico de gallo with some extra citrusy but leafy flavor...not sure if want

would probably be good

Imagine a lemon minus the sour, but has a similar texture to grass.

ITT: mostly faggots

It tasted like a soap dish to me and I fucking love it. When I make tacos/burritos I put it in my salsa fresca and also a big heap on the taco/burrito itself


Coriander does have a mildly soapy/perfumed taste anyway.

The so-called genetic thing has been blown out of proportion by Veeky Forums . . . even more so than peanut 'allergy'.

I seriously doubt that anybody on this board has the fabled 'genetic problem'.

it's like every food you eat. when you first taste it the flavour is overwhelming but as your palate gets used to it you seem to need to add more and more to even get the taste.

no no no no no, you either taste soap or you don't! REEEEEEEE

>Imagine a lemon minus the sour, but has a similar texture to grass.


So, lemongrass?

ITT: Fatties try to justify not eating tossed mexican salad dressing.

>b-but muh soap taste!

Stay Type II pleb.

you are just a picky faggot

If im making tacos ill throw a big handful on each one. Use that shit like lettuce dawg

This is bullshit. Its not all or nothing, cilantro has a very distinct taste for literally everyone, you just happen to dislike it or haven't acquired a like for it yet.
The genetic thing also comes in shades of gray, from mild to strong, and too many people claim to have it, when the reality is only like 5% do. Its more about preference than genetics, a first time taster isn't likely to love cilantro. Its a developed taste.

I can't say. I've never eaten soap.

Do people who like cilantro hate parsley and vice versa?