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Why can't he be happy and grateful to biz we love him so much and this is his face when confronted by that love?
Stfu nigger cunt
>Sergiey defeated the entirety of biz
>biz forms a father figure cult in their Stockholm syndrome riddled state of mind
only thing he'll link is his neck to a rope
does anyone have a link to the thread with the user at the conference from yesterday?
Why do you hate us Sergey? We have spent hundreds of thousands of man hours promoting your project and millions of dollars
>why would you hate people spamming your social media mouthpieces with fucking retarded teen meme bullshit when you're literally trying to change the foundation of how the entire world works.
Some investor communication would be nice. not just key client communication
Go fuck your father
We don't do that in our family. your's an exception bro
This is the face of man contemplating destroying his entire project to spite autist who make a mockery of his work.
stop being fat
You are a fucking child, do you really need to have your hand held through your investment and told everything is OK everyday? Sergey will keep us informed when we need to be, not before ok fuck tard
Sergiey is recreating the slavic social dynamic. you can now witness the shittiness of living in a slavic shithole.
>nobody tells anyone anything because everyone autistically assumes that the current state of things will continue unchanged - even interpersonal relations.
>people that were made dependent on the person doing more major things because raw faith runs out rather quickly.
>the person in authority asserts his/hers authority by reinforcing raw faith mostly via force because telling someone why you do something depreciates your social standing and therefore the ability to forcefully reinforce hierarchy.
>things run this way until something is delivered or shits get so twisted that a rebellion runs - which is very rare. Individual actors in lower in the social strata are the most vigilant reinforcers of the order forced upon the populace.
this is literally the reason why slavic culture is so shit and slavic waifus so obedient to monied westerners.
U will once your 10$ investment in link crashes.
Reread the EOY announcement. The development speaks for itself. They don't have to pander, and I'm glad they don't. The value of this project will be propelled by the amount and value of the work it performs. That's fucking exciting.
You're just suckers making him rich. That doesn't mean he wants to associate with plebs.
are you doubting the importance of investor relations when its lack backfires so visibly? Do you doubt the wall put in your way because it isn't supposed to be there according to your model of reality?
this is literally autism
not gambling if you know the game is rigged, chances of something like LINK fail are 0%, niet, nada
But he is
>The development speaks for itself
due to the shitstorm here, you can clearly see it doesn't. how autistic is this board, blindly following models that are PROVEN not to work
>the importance of investor relations when its lack backfires so visibly?
You mean pandering to fucking retards so they don't spazz out and be fucking retards eveywhere?
Most likely this, fuck you biz. The over shilling and over the top fud should have stopped in December, but too many cunts here are so unimaginative and unoriginal they had to just hang on to the link memes and bullshit. Why biz why? You are fucking up link and I'm fucking getting over it, fuck I hope that austic cunt who just had to have a fucking biz time stamp when getting a pic with Sergey gets dox so fucking hard and shit put on him so much. Fucking stupid cunt
Req is more your flavor
pretty sure this weak fag is gonna buckle under the stress
I hope you're being ironic.
>You mean pandering to fucking retards
pandering to people puting fucking money into a project, substituting memes for actual fucking information
>calling investors retards
Only on biz
I don't think it's a company's job to pander to the lowest common denominator, especially a company with a vision as grandiose as this one.
Name one big company that fucking tweets it's investors everyday just to tell them everything is OK and fine. Get the fuck out of here, Sergey updated me end of year, announced beta was running, he will give news when there is fucking news to give you stupid brat
There is easily enough information out there to inform an investor. What you're asking for is empty hype.
Req is a model one should strive for, even if it is unattainable.
Youre not an investor youre a speculator. His investors are institutional not guys like you.
His investors = retarded sluts
>can't form a coherent thought
>repeats an argument, while not answering what was said.
>literally autistic
Market sell your LINK and buy OMG or some other chink shit, it's better suited for your aspie ass
keep this shit in your own thread
Where is REQ right now with their biweekly updates? That’s right in the fucking trash. Compare to link with no updates that is holding ridiculously well if we don’t take yesterday’s temporary crash.
>needing mother to hold his hand through life
Guessing she is dead now, that's why you need to be told by others on a regular basis everything is going to be ok user?
That thread yesterday was too fucking funny. I laughed myself out for the week.
>his hope and optimism: gone
Seriously though, I think he just has resting bitch face syndrome. I have it and people tell me to cheer up all the time even though I'm fairly happy
kek, and they're called industrious NEETs
is there an archive?
Yes, click catalog then archive
I reread this post a couple of times but didn't get it. Am I dumb?
>updates every 1-2 weeks with huge walls of text
>#92 on CMC
>updates once every 3 months
Req doesn't do what link does. All agree that Req has superior investor relations that are to be modeled after.
Chink IOT chain literally spam their twitter with messages to save their project. A public relations person for chainlink would be immensely helpful to the community and the project. That person would help with managing the autism of this board.
They fucking raised $32m. I assume narcissistic perfectionism prevents the company from doing mass hiring, which isn't a good sign.
You should invest in a coin that literally just gives updates. Their github is just a scrolling twitter page and the team just spends 14 hours a day writing scrolling updates about their day.
>no substance and slander as an argument.
Sergiey turned link holders into mental slavics. Good job sergiey.
>if you don't want one extreme, it means you want some even other horrible extreme from the polar opposite.
never go full slav
>Immensely helpful to the community and the project
It would be immensely helpful to the small number of brain damaged retards who need spoon feeding. They are literally the lowest common denominator of ADD, demanding, teenage fuckwits. Threatening disruptive behaviour because it's not meeting your constant, social media addled need for news is fucking puerile. It's not "autistic", either, the autists are looking on with contempt.
>one extreme
EOY announcement, regular panel and speech appearances.
>It would be immensely helpful to the small number of brain damaged retards who need spoon feeding
you are repeating the argument that was made and answered. stop projecting your retardation like a typical narcissist.
I know but a direct link to the thread? plz guys
>investor should act this and that
yet they doesn't you overfittting autistics,. live with what you have or you'll get the shitstorm you experience. hire a fucking autist management person/investor manager.
There is literally enough information already available for any prospective investor to make a well informed speculation. Why do you need more? Your argument is that it will pacify the most unruly token holders, but why do they deserve to be pandered to for shitty behaviour?
I got you senpai
>but why do they deserve to be pandered to for shitty behaviour?
because they do damage.
the same reason people pander to violent black people. everyone knows they are stupid, but if at least some of their demands aren't met, they will chimp out
>being on Veeky Forums and thinking he isn't going to be slandered for needing others to hold his hand
The absolute state
This. He looks like this even when next to friends.
Thank you Oni-san
>lol haha he just has that face guys he totally secretly loves us!
Keep telling yourself that
user look in his eyes in your pic and now look into the eyes of the pic with that autistic biz fag, see the difference?
eyes can't show emotion you armchair psychologist
This might be the dumbest post I've read this month
This might be the dumbest post I've read this month
This might be the dumbest post I’ve read all month
Yep biz is full of the most shit tier retards to walk this planet now, fuck this happened fast, may as well head back to where I started, /b/. For real is biz the worst board now, serious question?
Pretty sure you are right user
Actually I am not even kidding, I have been around this Mongolian message board for too many years to want to remember, only came to biz in August. Seemed fucking awesome, but the last two months have been horrible, and you know what the worst part is, I NEVER EVER HAD A FUCKING REDDIT ACCOUNT, until a couple of hours ago when I could not get a simple fucking answer out of this place, to be fair a few anons helped out a bit and gave me good advice but I decided fuck it this is to import and made a reddit account and got my answer there, felt fucking horrible, thanks cunts.
dumbest post of all month
poker face
nah mate it's weirdly written
>people that were made dependent on the person doing more major things
Tell me I’m beautiful
>exposes roastie
ha i did the same thing. came here in august, lurked for a while, started posting threads about ardor and nxt to help contribute after making a shitload off walton
and now we have this
Buying link was NOT a mistake BUT. That newfaggot with a biz sign wtf does he think we fucking like being here? That we are so proud we'd choose to publicly broadcast it to the world? He's ruining our one shot to get the fuck out this hell hole. I vote doxx that faggot and anyone else who tries another stunt like that I want the make, model, color and license plate number. They'll have all tires slashed once a month until LINK is over $1k. Seriously fuck that guy.
I know I'm spoonfeeding, but the thread was too good...
Fuck that guy too. I hate him, but in the long run I think there might be a benefit to having our fucking weirdo brand of autism be associated with chainLINK, and nodes in general.
Us absolute fucking mongs are the farthest thing from an institutional investor you can possible get. The block chain means this selfsame sperg can’t get his booger hooks on the information without compromising its integrity. And further he wouldn’t want to because this is the first time he actually contributed to something without his fucking tard wrangler standing within inches to drop him if he gets too spergalicious.
Investors will see that as a boon because tards that don’t leave the basement and computer will be ever vigilant over anything fucky happening to their lifeblood investment and more importantly to their rig. You have server security on every node because the nodes are held by agoraphobic troglodytes with bad genetics and a penchant for naked cartoon women.
Is this the new Sober Bearded Man image?
>those fucking sneakers
Who’s the guy on the left?
Looks like the stress is getting to Sergey, just saw this on Grindr. What a faggot