This is only the 3rd worst crash

This is only the 3rd worst crash

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just 30% more to go before I get my life back on track

48 days of correction

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6 feb '18
>below 6k

>This is only the 3rd worst crash
you mean the 3rd worst crash YET, kek

Alts like Verge.XRP.TRX.NEM which are all better coins went down 90%

This chart gave me eye cancer

So far.

> Brainlet thinks erc20 tokens are better than bitcoin
Bitcoin is the daddy, submit already

That's because they are. Keep jerking off to your dinosaur btc while it lasts and use your tears as lube when the likes of XRP, ETH, XLM, NEM get right past your daddy as it falls down.

>better coins
*breathes in

but it isnt over yet

>less than 5 months since greatest influx of money in the market cap's history.
>Says 3 worst crash like it fucking matters.

You people are fucking brainlets.

this time it's different

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hope you're just fucking with us user, those are probably the worse coins in the whole market. even bitconnect looks better

the scary thing is that 2013 November crash is the most similar situation to what caused this one and look how long that took to correct

Bullshit, there have been FAR worse bitcoin crashes.
Like that time it dropped from 30 cents to 2 cents or something similar.
And many more such crashes much earlier than 2012.

>Alts like Verge.XRP.TRX.NEM which are all better coins

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Whats the bacmground for tbe other cradhes?

how is it similar you idiot