/ourguy/ bizonacci is becoming famous
Other urls found in this thread:
>Early adopters
Literally /ourguys/
>We are "smart money"
He did say he was investing in crypto a few videos ago. The madman is actually taking advice from Veeky Forums
>first selloff
fuck me should've sold when all these retarded gaymers and kids entered the market
tfw normies start pink wojaking
Pewd has been confirmed browsing Veeky Forums since a while, half of his content comes from this place, hell he is most likely a /pol/ack or at least a lurker.
I'm so fucking disgusted. I am sturggling to contain this feeling. I want to punch a wall.
Do you have some screenshots of his posts on /pol/? I doubt that he's a /pol/ack.
Jævla svenske, pump Chainlink nå med ein gang!
He literally showed you one retard. Also hi pewds
>some screenshots
I asked for more screenshots, you literal cretin. Kys.
I love Pewdiepie, he's redpilled and based, just like me
He literally browses Veeky Forums in his YLYL videos. Go watch one of the early ones.
>newfags will flood biz
>newfags buy link
this is bullish
The audacity of this faggot to add his wallet in the description and asking for donations.
He is invested in ChainLink so I forgive him.
Pewdiepie started from /v/
Someone quick send him NGR or JEWS
him trying to be edgy with all these "dank" memes is fucking toxic, even worse than his early days
You asked for SOME (meaning any) caps and then said you doubt he's a poltard and the fucking guy literally posted a cap from fucking pol proving pewds is a poltard. Show me in your post where it says more, anywhere. How fucking dense are you
>pewdiepie frequently browses Veeky Forums
>he watches crypto videos
>he is aware of Veeky Forums
>probably browses Veeky Forums right now
Hi Felix
>all these people thinking he got this video from /biz
The video is huge on reddit now. They're making a ton of bog memes. They all think it's based on this one video though
that's bizonacci's wallet you fucking retard
read the thread
we really need normie pumps
let them come
Didn't this guy shill his vids on /v/ before that was bannable? Pretty sure he wouldn't return until the wealth bores him. I were like that too. During my rise to fame and wealth I stopped coming here. But after the "climax" I got so bored of everything I came back. Misanthropy is addicting when everything else is boring.
The 9 yo minecraft kids that followed him in 2013 are now 14 yo, of course he has to be edgy.
This guy is talked down as a retard and yet he keeps doing smart business decisions as an entertainer.
Being anonymous is enjoyable when you are famous, even when you are not btw.
I'm not 12 anymore like you so I don't watch his videos
What the fuck? You took that wallet address from the description of Bizonacci's fucking video. Are you completely braindead?
If you're reading this, when promoting the chair/merch in one of your next videos, use this background again.
Should we tell this guy that the bogged video got posted on reddit?
Pajeetipie shills ETH
Are you retarded? I only copied the link from his description with the text above it that said "Donate".
Jesus Christ how hard is it to understand this you moron. Go watch some Logan Paul or something and stop wasting my time.
No wonder you're on Veeky Forums.
that's the video's description you absolute mongrel
kill yourself
what is this meme? can i get a quick rundown?
Bogged 1m views eom confirmed.
Ah now I see the channel is not Pewd it's bizonacci, I thought bizonacci was some autistic meme you turbofaggots had invented. I wrongfully assumed that the video was from Pewd because I thought he only tweeted his own video since the Swedish gay ADHD faggot is so full of himself.
He has more money and unconditional support from fans than you will ever have. How does that make you feel, sweety?
you sound like the autistic turbofaggot here
Well I'm right at home then