Do anons here believe in a 2018 recession?

Do anons here believe in a 2018 recession?

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I actually got some money my father gave me to invest in stocks (he doesnt really believe crypto, and since it's his money, I have to invest in boomer stocks), but Im waiting for a correction to get into.

When is it coming though? I thought by now there would surely be a retrace, but it's still pumping.

Why do you think all the crypto FUD and hurried regulation talk. It isn't to protect the investors.

It's to perform the biggest exit scam anyone has ever seen. I can't disclose what bank I work for but lets just say that we never lose, even if you think we do

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I don't have an economics IQ high enough to predict why a recession is coming, but it sure does feel like coming on soon.

- overvaluations all around: stocks, real estate, cryptos...
- unemployment can't go much more lower
- rapidly increasing college debts (mostly for girls with degrees that won't get these debts paid off in 15 years), auto loans, credit card losses,...
- Trump starting a "trade war"
- and the most simplest one: We have had a recession free period for ~ 9 years now, which is a real rarity.

Attached: us-unemployment.jpg (872x517, 54K)

I believed in a 2017 recession and it cost me quite a lot of money

Yeah, it's gonna be bad.

Trump is too much of a retard fuckup. So the good news is Dems will be back soon and he'll just be gone.

Also, no one gives a fuck about the tax cuts.

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cost average into TVIX
you're welcome

Classic symptoms of a bubble caused by artificially low... no, NEGATIVE tax rates practiced by almost every single developed country in response to the 2008 crisis.

In other words,
>lend money to dumb people
>they can't pay
>prices get eventually distorted by various, various complex reason
>eventually they can't pay, stocks and other speculative assets get overvalued, and the next step is a huge hit on whichever economic sector is more unstable

It's anyone's guess where this depression will start, but it will. It has to, as Keynesian cycles generally last about 8 years before collapsing.

The college debt is the rhing that worries me the most.

Sorry, not tax rates - interest rates*.

Remember that time when democrats all rallied together to say they are going to pump and dump the stock market so as to fuck up trumps 'legacy'?
probably not considering all mainstream media is progressive propaganda

Recession is long overdue already. Should have started in 2016. I think it'll ba late 2018 early 2019 and it'll be a big one started by the collapse of the Asian real estate market. This will also be the economic crash that China will have comparable to the Japanese financial crash of 1989.

Ask me more if you want

t. Economic major with a master in boom-bust cycles.

that chart clearly shows unemployment increasing since the 1950s.

Can i get a quick rundown?

Attached: 20180315_150603.png (720x826, 56K)

There has literally never NOT been a recession in a 10 year period in the history of the United States. This 10 year period is over starting 2019....

so yeah.

What impact does the asian real-estate have on blue-collar Burgers and Europoors?

if the market makes a change to higher volatility and sustains that over the course of a few months you'll make quite a bit of money.

if you are being srs rn kys

How long? What sectors most deeply affected?

1. It will probably happen this year or next, as we're overdue for a massive correction and we never recovered from the 2008 recession, it was only papered over.

2. It won't be a recession, it will be an outright crash.

When you understand that all the stock market growth is from companies buying and selling their own stock to pump the price something that was illegal not long ago you understand it all

I humbly accept this satan get

Attached: seth.png (1200x1480, 3.66M)

Lots economy is intertwined a lot nowadays. Will most likely lead to stagnation in the Chinese market. As well as the fact that most first world real estate is riding on the Chinese real estate bubble as well since lots of Chinese people buy foreign property. These will all fall in value combined with western companies investment held by chinese most likely being liquidated. Will result in a Stock market and real estate price drop globally. Might escalate and bring down Chinese banks that will also bring down Euro and US banks as a chain reaction like in 2008.

#1 Real estate #2 stock market. This recession will probably be less severe to the west than the one in 2008 but globally it will likely be the worst recession ever seen (worse than 1930 simply due to the size of the asian market)

Sauce on these pics?

It should have started in 2014 m8

I really love the third site ( Simple and easy to get charts on basic economic indexes.

Yeah I've been on macrotrends before but I forgot about it. We're in for some shit.

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You will lose. DYOR.

No because the treasury yield curve is not even close to inversing. This phenomena has predicted the last 6 recessions. I predict a recession late 2019 or early 2020

we are still in the greatest depression from 2008. (((news))) lies about improved economy because the .4% got wealthier and a few jews made stacks pff the gov. usa communists (((gov))) made out like bandits but usa people are destroyed. you know what to do.

Fuck now that you mention it... tech bubble seems like it's about to burst. People finally figuring out it's all vaporware and no real breakthrough tech is really coming out. All the projects and concepts that were announced 5-10 years ago have been either lackluster or never talked about again.
And there's truly no new breakthrough concepts to look forward to either. We might be fucked.

>correction happening when trump is in office

(((they))) will prop it up until (((someone)) (((they're))) sure will bail (((them))) out is in (((office)))

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This honestly. It's hard to use the typical 8-10 year boom-bust cycle when we never truly recovered after the last bust.
I also doubt that this is a good thing, but predictability is out the window given out unprecedented the last 10 years have been.

Cool levered to 10x long spx eminis this morning.

Anyone with half a brain has been waiting for the tech sector to bust for years now. I don't think that is what will cause the next recession.

Chinese real estate is the safest bet if you want to pinpoint where the fall will start. Much more integrated into the financial sector, which itself is integrated into everything.

A 2018 would be devastating stop trying to get one you delusional faggots you dont what are you talking about people will kill eachother over food in first world countries

can't wait

if you cant see it coming then you wont.
what happens after trillions and trillions get printed by an organization that has never been audited? In a span of 10y? In response to the biggest economic calamity since the great depression?

Yeah keep that attitude up when your mother get kill fighting for a jar of beans

Another big part is that the people making the shitty loans no longer had any liability for them.
>Make a bunch of shit loans to poor people who want homes
>Immediately sell loans to a big bank, clear out books right then and there
>Bank takes thousands of shit loans and packages them into a security which they sell to investors after getting a AAA rating
>The investors are now bagholders for the loans

The people making the loans had no incentive to be selective about who they loaned money to, because they never faced any real risk from shady loans.

its scary
money has never been cheaper in germany
people do borrow and build but you can tell its going to end badly, since this countries strict austerity isnt cool with the people my generation, im born 1990
a female friend of mine is a stewardess with lufthansa
she leased a car, a television, a boobjob, and recently her and her bf bought a flat with borrowed money
i cant wait for the moment in which money and state are separated and in whcih countries cant just print money to get out of debt and debase everybodys savings, its an insane reality, really

I assume he didn't specify otherwise, so short it faggot.

I'll get an additional 4-5k back that I wouldn't have otherwise. IDGAF what he does, if he keeps my taxes low, I'm voting for him over some socialist that wants to take 90% of my income for subpar medical and a universal retirement system that will get raided by politicians for special projects.

>master in boom-bust cycles

at least they chose their shackles themselves
what makes me angry is the people in southern europe that first lost their savcings to the introduction of the euro and will now lose it to the devaluation of the euro

also, the us is printing money like crazy and keeping exchange rates stable, thus debasing all currencies simultaneously

Cryptos are here at the right time at least. The flaws with government regulated fiat might come out to everyone during the next crisis and if blockchains have their issues fixed by then, we might start to see actual adoption.

its a good entry point
buy huts on the beach in a nice tourist vacation and let some mongoloid servant live there for free
do the right thing, user

you forgot the part where this practice was normal and worked fine, until the US fed government stepped in and picked up 2/3 of all the loans, allowing more and more bad ones to be made.

You don't want to pay 90% of your income for Mexicans to visit the doctor?


I'm already seeing it here in bongland, go to the supermarkets and it is a wasteland only one cashier in a row of 15 tills.

>Do anons here believe in a 2018 recession?
>Just like nobody other than supreme autists whose logical minds can process all the data saw the 2008 recession coming

They occur roughly on a 10 year cycle. The question is not when but how bad it will be.

>chinas economy falls of a cliff
>tfw work in the coal industry
>all of our clients are chinese

Please no, i dont wanna become a neet again

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how low should one cost average into this? Down to $4 maybe?

Really bad it will destroy and end lives major wars happening wont seem distant like they do now

the next economic crisis, i believe, will just weaken nation states even more and increase international trade
i wonder what currency that trade will use, as chinese and russian businessmen have been calling the usd scam for a while now

2018? The recession of 2008 has yet to end for most of us

Kek where have you been living these last years

that's really up to your risk appetite
keep in mind that the price there isn't adjusted for reverse splits
it's the kind of thing where each part you buy is more like a premium than an investment.

Idk anything about derivatives etfs, is it feasible for it to be worth millions per share again in a recession?

>Remember that time when democrats all rallied together
No... which timeline was that in?


Nice to have this confirmed.

Fairly obvious to anyone with 75% of a brain what's generally happening between bloated stock/asset markets and BTC/cryptos.

Also, massive private debt, QT, rising rates, low productivity = deleveraging, decelerating credit, yield shocks and recessions, if not depressions right around the world.

well do you have a better idea on making china respect intellectual property because the US is losing billions of dollars in IP theft from china. Trump is trying to force china to crackdown on IP theft or punish them with tariffs.

Dont live in an eternal shithole then.