AH FUCK! They were right. This is the Chinese newspaper just out. China is banning mining. Sell now

AH FUCK! They were right. This is the Chinese newspaper just out. China is banning mining. Sell now.

Attached: mfile_55_1018679_1-600x450-600x420.jpg (600x420, 78K)

Yey cheap coins and then 40k

Same last time

big if true

Pos and dpos are the future mining is outdated

weak try, user

Can any1 translate this?

Please weat
I translate

It say:

First, post is mono sexual
And also you

Fuck off Occupy HK sjw umbrella shit newspaper report from 4 years ago.

>China bans mining
>China no longer has centralized power over crypto
how is this a bad thing?

They're protesting against the government because the government are trying to stop them from killing babies and boiling live dogs and eating fermented eggs and they are really not liking that

china banning mining would be good news, all miners in the rest of the world would see significant gains from their operations and the price of miners would see a significant reduction


This, however I believe you mistranslated "fermented eggs." A more accurate translation would be "piss-soaked eggs."

Attached: Clipboard01.jpg (220x176, 5K)

nice try

Attached: date.jpg (132x58, 10K)

>china cracking down on crypto
>normie gossip drama

Attached: china.png (1616x2180, 3.28M)

Damn plebs it's in Wu dialect, they're talking about virgin boy eggs

Asked a chinese. She said paper is from 2005 from some strike thing.

holy shit, all those crypto miners in that pic are being publicly executed. this is the end for crypto no doubt, about to sell my 10,000 BTC at market i've been hodling for years

We’re all dead.

It's true, the words are out

Attached: mingpau1.png (1999x1113, 2.01M)

Where's DUWANG when you need him?