That guy thread

>that guy who puts hot sauce on everything
>that guy who doesn't sear his steaks to seal in the juices
>that guy who doesn't rest his steaks
>that guy who is too pretentious to use prechopped garlic
>that guy who thinks "real" Italian 'za is better than American 'za

>that guy that judges how people enjoy the food only they consume

>that guy who insists on using chopsticks for Asian cuisine

For me, it is the Glock. The best striker fired pistol.

>That guy who doesn't take his steak at least medium, if not well done

What did he mean by this?


>that guy who cooks

I feel bad for poorfags who actually have to cook for themselves. I basically eat out or do take out for almost every meal

OP is frustrated by things that are socially, financially and culturally beyond his grasp.
He is unemployed and mainly subsists on junk food and soda.
He will drink beer when he has money and sees wines as being pretentious and elitist.
He is in poor health due to his lifestyle but is unable to motivate himself to change.
He is generally asexual but can be aroused by certain fantasies relating to his childhood and treatment by his mother however low testosterone levels put ejaculation out of reach.
He will die prematurely and will be unmissed.

What a fucking meme


Yeah cause spending 30$ a day on food is a great idea.

>b-b-but i can afford it

>that guy who will add a plain cheese pizza to the order and tries to get it split amongst the group
>same guy who will order a cheese pizza at a 5 star Italian restaurant when they make their pastas on site.
>different guy who watches all the cooking shows but will just go out and get burger king and never cooks

getting stale

>that guy who will add a plain cheese pizza to the order and tries to get it split amongst the group
>same guy who will order a cheese pizza at a 5 star Italian restaurant when they make their pastas on site

Fucking hate that guy

>that guy who orders tendies or a burger from the last page of the menu at a Mexican restaurant

Remove Americans from the menu entirely

>He doesn't partake in affordable activities

What are you, poor on purpose or something?

>>that guy who doesn't sear his steaks to seal in the juices
This is bait right? People don't actually believe sealing meat literally 'seals' the meat closed from leaking like some sort of magic fry pan cling wrap.

>People don't actually believe
This is Veeky Forums, of course they do

>seal in the juices

I'm afraid your drinking water may be contaminated with led.


I'm afraid you're water may be contaminated with stupid

I'm afraid we all might be falling for each other's bait

>>that guy who is too pretentious to use prechopped garlic
Minced garlic is always stored in water, diluting the shit out the flavour. Now that my dad's finally dead, I will never use it again. I agree with you, otherwise.

you would be correct

>The jerk store called...

Nice comback

oh the ironing

>People who drink black coffee and pretend its for the taste and not just cheap caffeine
>People who pretend to like the 'acquired taste' of high cacao dark chocolate
>People who still arent in on the big inside joke that is beer, and that nobody actually drinks it for taste

Im being 100% serious too. I tried all of the above through tons of methods in acclaimed spots in many states, and it took awhile before people pretty much pulled me aside and told me straight up that it was all a big international joke.


lern to write you mouth breather

it's a doggy dog world

why would anyone surf on the internet and write mean things like this ?

A moo point.

Add hom in him attack

>I don't like it and nobody else can

So you're all also on the international joke of everyone not liking mustard? I mean I don't like mustard so nobody else can, right?

Goddammit I know you're a troll and you made me so mad I still had to respond to you.

>best striker fire
>not sig p320/hk vp9

People get conditioned to liking the taste of beer because of the positive effects of inebriation. So if something makes you feel good, you start associating the taste/smell/texture/activity with positive feelings. If you give a 14 year old an IPA they won't enjoy it. A guy that's been drinking for 25 years might.

It's like how I think cock tastes like shit, but you seem to love it.


Sure, if I'm doing all my shooting in a hermetically sealed clean room.

That person at the Japanese restaurant that thinks if I'm going to use a fork on my salad I'm going to need a spoon for my soup.

What is go' 'za?

I like the M&P a lot better for it's ergos and looks.

Of course, I'm a hammerfag who likes metal frames so I'm more drawn to the old 5906 than anything. It can have the same capacity as the Glock so that's not an issue.

If i wanted my cum back I'd scrape it off your mum's face

That's an interesting rationalisation for being incompetent.

>never cooks
>eats out every meal

So you come to Veeky Forums to widen the horizon of your fast food choices where the reviews of mcfuckbucket might sway you to order it next time?

>a fool and his money will soon be parted

Short for gorgonzola, a classic Italian sauce popular on pizza in some region.

> That guy that offers to cook for everyone but has his cats walking around on the kitchen counter

Nah, he's just a troll. If he was serious he'd just get more money.

Your ranch is getting hot and your tendies are getting cold.

Honestly i do not see the issue with drinking beer for the taste.

>>that guy who doesn't sear his steaks to seal in the juices
>>that guy who doesn't rest his steaks

but these are just memes

Well done, I'm properly triggered

Dark chocolate is fucking lovely though, I'm not sure how dark you mean by "high" but I love it.

>>>that guy who doesn't rest his steaks
>but these are just memes

Nah, there are many steak memes but that isn't one. I've tested it...cooked two steaks two nights in a row, let one rest and not the other, it's true...when you slice into a steak right off the bat it basically pisses itself of all it's juices, you can tell because your plate will basically be a flood of steak juice....however if you let it rest a few minutes and then cut into it, the steak retains it's juices

>that guy who keeps posting the most stale of bait

italian pizza is superior, prechopped garlic is for subhumans and sealing in the juices is a meme. nowfuck off and never come back

I just feel sorry for you desu

>Coffee, black
>Scotch, neat
>Filet, rare
>Suit, un-tailored and unnecessary
>Language, grandiose and decadent

>t. Randal Munroe

pan, nice and hot

There are people who love bitter sodas like schweppes. Probably the same people love bitter taste of beer.

enjoy heart disease, making 200,000 money a year and I still cook for myself to stay Veeky Forums

> people who like things I don't are lying

I am that guy. I hate using silverware to eat Asian cuisine because of the metal taste.

How much would you pay for your meals to be prepared by Scooby himself?

>I hate using silverware to eat Asian cuisine because of the metal taste.
I thought you were being serious for a moment.