Tell me WTF to whales and miners like Bitmain to if bitcorn tanks to 3000 or less?

Tell me WTF to whales and miners like Bitmain to if bitcorn tanks to 3000 or less?

Miners will lose millions per day below 6k untill weeks of difficulty adjustments. They will have to switch off or stop selling.

Whales are happy to let their fortunes burn? They supposedly manipulated the market but why are they self sabotaging. They will be unable to sell due to the sheer number of whales all selling at once crashing it to 0 dollars.


Attached: AD45CF7B-E95F-44F9-890B-A3A4F78FD04B.jpg (300x300, 81K)

no idea what the fuck you are talking about faggot

they already getting their money out, why do you think were having sudden dips with sudden jumps trades sidesways then dips again

If the general public is exiting then pumping by whales won't help. They'll just feed exiters.

replace all the "to"s with "do"s - OP is a pajeet

yea they crash it to 6000 and then to 8000 to cash out retard.

thats why it wont happen u retard no miner will sell at a loss to dump the price even more to make even more loss

but u faggots just think because u draw some lines on your chart it will tank to zero lmao ignoring a billion dollar industry

kek, yeah if you cant get it yet then sucks to be you

bitmain made 5 billion in profit 2017, if they want they can pump btc to 30k$ alone

Bro there is nowhere near enough liquidity for whales to exit. You have any idea how many btc they all own?